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Seokjin stood at the stove, making pancakes for everyone. He wore an apron, smiling as he hummed to himself and it was the perfect image. Seokjin had volunteered to make breakfast for all of you. After the mini concert, the celebration party dragged on for a lot longer than intended. At that point a huge sleepover party was suggested. Even Seokjin stayed over to your surprise. He really felt like a close friend to all of you at this point. He wasn't just a teacher or Jungkook's uncle. Jungkook found it interesting to have his uncle around so much. Seokjin did enjoy it since he got to be more a part of Jungkook's life and find out what he was up to. Something Jungkook's mom can't always do.

Since Seokjin so kindly offered to make breakfast in the morning, Namjoon ordered everyone else to either clean up the living room from the party or set up the kitchen for breakfast. Namjoon, Yoongi, and you were in charge of the dinning table. Adding seats, bringing out plates, and things of that nature. Meanwhile Hoseok was with the three kids to deal with the bigger task. All of you had hoped that Hoseok would make sure to keep the children in check. It sounded like there was chaos going on and Namjoon regretted not working with them instead. There was just more screaming than there should have been.

There was a sudden loud crash that startled you. Seokjin yelped, accidentally flipping a pancake up to the ceiling. He clutched his heart and stared at it as it slowly fell on the ground. Namjoon didn't care about the little pancake incident. He sighed heavily, noting how alarmed Yoongi and you both were. That's when Jungkook ran into the room. He almost slipped, but he tried to act like he was collected. The maknae cleared his throat as he smiled nervously at all of you. Seokjin was too busy cleaning up his pancake while the rest of you crossed your arms.

"I promise we have everything under control." Jungkook chuckled, playing with his red sweater.

"I don't buy it." Namjoon began walking over.

"Seokjin hyung didn't raise a liar." Yoongi followed.

"N-No! Don't come!" Jungkook tried stopping them.

"What did you guys do?" You walked past the boy. The brunette was trying so hard to keep you from going inside. Next thing you know, you step into the living room to see Hoseok standing on the coffee table. He had both Taehyung and Jimin in headlocks. They were both tapping at his arms, begging for freedom and apologizing. What did those idiots do? There was one bag completely filled with trash while another one was open. Namjoon furrowed his brows and Yoongi was speechless. The president walked over to Hoseok, confused until he saw a smudge of cake on Hoseok's face.

"Can you let go of my brother?" Namjoon frowned. Hoseok sighed, releasing the blue haired boy. Taehyung immediately clung onto Namjoon like a koala. Jimin gasped, growing more panicked.

"What about me, Hyung!?" Jimin cried out.

"Him too. Why are you mad about a cake smudge?" Namjoon asked as Hoseok loosened his grip on the pink hair. Jimin slipped away, running over to Yoongi knowing that Hoseok wouldn't mess with the delinquent. Hoseok grumbled under his breath as he turned around, showing that it was more than just a cake smudge. It seems like the two boys had rubbed an entire piece onto Hoseok's back. Yoongi grimaced at the sight and Namjoon made a sharp inhale. You bit your lip and looked over at Jungkook who was mouthing that he wasn't a part of their nonsense. "I see...what is wrong with you?" Namjoon pinched Taehyung.

"Ow! Hyung!! Why would you do that?" Taehyung pouted. Namjoon kept a stern expression on his brother. Taehyung knew right away that he wasn't fooling anyone. He gave Namjoon a smile, trying to act cute. "Jiminie did it."

"That's not true! We both did!" Jimin huffed, pointing accusingly at the offended blue hair. Yoongi rolled his eyes, hating how immature they were behaving. He slammed his hand on Jimin's head, making the dancer swallow hard. "D-Don't kill us."

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