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Getting up for school took too much energy. That was to be expected though. You barely got any sleep at all last night. Running on two hours of sleep, you got ready for school and tried to look like you were put together. It's a good thing your parents are gone for work by the time you're getting ready. They didn't get to witness you moving around like a zombie. At least they went to work without any worries of their daughter sneaking off at midnight. It's not like you did anything illegal though! So they can't really get mad at you too much. All you were doing was supporting a friend and you stand by that!

Either way, supporting a friend almost made you miss your stop. You fell asleep on the bus on your way to school. Thankfully, the old lady who always rides the bus in the morning woke you up. She knew your stop and the bus driver knew you went to Sehwang from your uniform. It was embarrassing to be woken up with dry drool on your chin. You thanked the old lady and she told you to rest well to pass all your classes. That's certainly true. You were going to ride off those two hours of sleep and survive the school day! Then it made you wonder how Yoongi was handling this morning.

All your curious thoughts were answered by the time you entered class. Yoongi yawned loudly as his head got closer to resting on his desk. The dark bags under his eyes were so prominent than ever before. Did he even sleep? Going over to your desk, you set your bag down before tapping on Yoongi's desk. He quickly bolted up with wide eyes. He looked like he was ready for anything until he saw it was you. Soon his eyes became heavy again as he relaxed. Yoongi sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair.

"It's just you." Yoongi groaned.

"Yoongi...did you even get any sleep?" You frowned.

"No." Yoongi scoffed. He chuckled as if he thought this was a humorous situation. It really wasn't. Though Yoongi is really good at rapping and loves going to see rap battles, he should do so in moderation. This is starting to become unhealthy.

"You really need the sleep, Yoongi. This is going to kill you. Please promise me that you'll make more of an effort to sleep." You smiled despite Yoongi rolling his eyes. "I slept as soon as you dropped me off. Though I still feel like I'm dying, I'm also thriving. I can survive this day—"

"I studied for the test we're having today." Yoongi leaned back in his chair with a smirk


Yoongi held back his laughter as he watched your face contort into horror. That's what you were forgetting!! There's going to be a math test today and you didn't study for sh*t! You're going to fail and get kicked of Sehwang before you know it! Bringing your hands up to your hair, you felt your legs turn into jelly. Yoongi actually studied in exchange for his sleep. He knew exactly what he was doing. It made you want to scream that he was somehow more prepared for this test than you were. The only things you knew were the stuff Namjoon taught you and that was only going to be a small portion of this test.

"I'm going to fail." You fell into your seat. Yoongi watched you spiral into despair. All your worries were snow balling out of control. All it takes is one fail to kick you out of this school entirely. You didn't try hard enough to stay here. Your parents are going to be so disappointed.

"Hey, you'll be fine." Yoongi put his hand on your back. He knew right away where your thoughts were going. Instead of teasing you, Yoongi took the time to comfort you and it was appreciated. "You said you brought your grade up back to a B-, right?"

"This test will knock me down to an F." You felt jittery.

"There's a couple minutes before class starts. Cram." Yoongi pointed to your backpack. He's right.

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