Little Conflicts

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Yoongi was doing his best to be completely truthful with you. It was something he had to let himself get comfortable with. After everything that happened last night, he told you that he wanted to focus on producing a new song. Something better than everything he's done in the past. Good for him. As long as he doesn't push himself too far then. He's admitted to his home not being rap friendly. His mom enjoyed music, but only classical songs made by famous names. That's the main reason Yoongi takes piano lessons frequently. When he has lessons, he can't make it to tutoring even though he'd much rather be with you and the guys then his strict teacher. Overall, Yoongi did like the piano.

Today was one of those days. It was during lunch that Yoongi told everyone he wouldn't be showing up to tutoring. Namjoon was leaning against the wall, no longer seated in the windowsill next to you guys. Then Hoseok was making his way over with his lunch. His old friends tried catching his attention, but he ignored them. Good. Hoseok has taken the advice to avoid them. His old friends easily showed their true selves anytime they didn't get something they wanted. The second Hoseok passed them without a care, they swore and rolled their eyes. They're spoiled rich students is what they are.

"I'm here! What'd I miss?" Hoseok sat down in front of the windowsill.

"It's just going to be the three of us for tutoring again," Namjoon stated.

"Piano lessons." Yoongi shrugged.

"Oh...speaking of tutoring..." Hoseok chuckled nervously. Immediately, Namjoon narrowed his eyes on his friend. Hoseok began to the rub the back of his neck under your confused gaze. "I'm ditching today."

"It's not ditching if you tell him." Yoongi pointed out.

"I was being courteous!" Hoseok pouted.

"What do you mean you're ditching?" You questioned in shock. Hoseok has never skipped out on a lesson. No has besides Yoongi and he has reasons for it. Namjoon listened in, waiting for proper answers.

"Well, I'm going to dance with a local crew. We're just planning on having a huge cypher." Hoseok grinned. "You guys should come! All of you would love to see my awesome dancing skills!"

"Can't. Piano," Yoongi said flatly. Hoseok looked over at Namjoon and you with big eyes.

"I'm tutoring, Hoseok." Namjoon sighed.

"And I'm getting tutored." You brought your drink up to your lips.

"Well that sucks...but I promise I'll be there for tutoring tomorrow!!" Hoseok shouted. He bounced in his spot, happily holding up his sandwich.

"Good. You need it." Namjoon teased, earning a light glare from the popular boy.

"What about you?" You looked at Yoongi who quietly nodded. He pulled out his phone and you knew right away he would be texting you.

While Hoseok ate his food, Namjoon returned to the windowsill next to you guys. His backpack was placed on the ledge and he pulled out that tiny green spiral he always did. Even Yoongi and Hoseok had noticed its regular appearance. They never bothered mentioning it though. Both of them probably thought it was something school related. It could be. You never really figured out exactly what Namjoon was hiding. You glanced down at your phone to see the message Yoongi had sent you. The boy in real life looked away from you and sighed.

Yoongi 🐯

Yoongi 🐯
This song is taking me forever to write.
I'll probably leave tutoring tomorrow early...

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