The Popular Boy

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Forget Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi being the most stubborn people you've ever met. They have never reached the same level as Jung Hoseok. This boy is something else! He's lucky he's already hurt or you would have given him a piece of your mind. The problem is that he doesn't want to acknowledge that his ankle hurting is an issue. He keeps insisting that he needs to walk it off or sleep on it. The second you confronted him about it, he did everything he could to get you away from him. He didn't want anyone talking about his little fall anymore. You didn't understand why he was trying so hard to make everyone forget it even happened.

Seokjin took Jungkook home but brought Jimin along with him. He was going to drop off the boy at his parent's convenience store. Since those three were gone, the day was coming to a close. Namjoon began helping Taehyung with his homework and Yoongi was packing up his equipment. That left Hoseok and you to go home. Your eyes narrowed on Hoseok who behaved as if everything was okay. He waved goodbye to the boys as he made his way to the door. Hoseok can't act dumb for long. You see the limp he's now walking with. He's avoiding putting pressure on his right ankle so much. The popular boy was even using things around him to help him get forward.

Nope. You're not letting this continue. Hoseok stepped outside after what took him forever. He sighed until he saw you storming your way over to him. He gasped, quickly trying to shut the door in your face. That's not happening! You fought to keep it open so you could follow him out. Unfortunately for him, Hoseok only had one leg he could truly balance on. While trying to escape from you, he only ended falling onto Namjoon's lawn. Closing the door behind you, you quickly rushed to him. He only grew frustrated with you more when he tried pushing your hands off of him. You're only trying to help him up! Hoseok turned on his stomach and tried crawling away.

"Jung Hoseok! Get the f*ck over here!" You grabbed his good leg, pulling him closer to you.

"Let me go! I'm going home!" Hoseok shouted.

"Like hell you are! We are going to get your ankle checked!" You yelled.

"Cha (F/n), it's fine! Leave me alone! We have to focus on the contest. I'm f*cking fine!" Hoseok huffed as he kicked his leg out of your grip.

You knew what this was all about. Hoseok wouldn't be putting this much of a fight up if it weren't for the contest. If he gets told by a doctor that he can't dance for a couple weeks, he might lose it. But what Hoseok doesn't understand is that he'll make things a hundred times worse if he doesn't treat it properly. Hoseok has his mind set on the contest just like everyone else. Resting sounded like he was giving up on his dream. If he didn't give it his all throughout the entire process, he felt they wouldn't make it. You understood his worries and his fears. Except you had to take charge of the boys. Like with how you take care of Yoongi with packing him lunches, you'll make sure Hoseok gets proper care for his injury.

"I'm not sorry!" You jumped the male.

"Cha (F/n)!" Hoseok hissed. You had him trapped on the ground since you were sitting on his back. The male growled at your persistent presence. The fox underneath tried his best to sneak away from you. He couldn't escape now, the fox trapped under your weight. This was the only way. Digging your arms under his, you pulled him up with all your strength. He was heavy, but he luckily started carrying some of his own weight. He stood on his good leg and that's when you took the chance to drag him. Hoseok freaked out, not wanting to fall over again. He kept his arm around your shoulder while you held him tightly by the waist now. Hoseok wouldn't stop frowning and telling you to slow down. There's no way you're letting that happen. He had no choice but to keep up with you. That's when he noticed the direction you were taking him in. To the bus stop. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!"

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