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Yoongi has always left you with questions. Some days he would come to school a lot more tired than others. Right when you thought the bags under his eyes were fading, they came back darker. The most you were able to get out of him was insomnia. When he said this though, it didn't feel like he was admitting anything. It felt more like he was throwing an answer at you so you would shut up. He did get what he wanted. You shut up and stopped asking for a reason. Instead, you urged him to take better care of himself. His grades were almost getting as low as yours. That's a huge problem!

The thing with math is if you don't understand one part then you won't understand the rest. Anything Mr. Kim teaches you guys gets continuously used for the rest of the year. It only gets harder and a lot more complicated. It makes you feel so lost every single time. You've been trying your hardest to get your grade up. The recent test you guys took, you got a B- which you believed was enough to save your grade. Then Mr. Kim proceeded to teach you guys another chapter. That left you back at square one. Scratching your head and clueless during the whole class.

Normally, you would ask Yoongi for help. Though the two of you would struggle together. You did better when you worked with him. You would get less problems wrong. Two brains working together always saved you an awkward interaction with Namjoon or Mr. Kim. Getting anything below a B- made the two worry. That already let you know how everyone else in your classroom was doing. If only you could get A's in math. All your other subjects were easy unlike Mr. Kim's math. He's a great teacher, but you suck at applying his lessons to the worksheets.

"Yoongi, why?" You wanted to whine like a child.

The seat next to yours which belonged to the red head was empty. Yoongi was absent today. He seemed fine yesterday. He was still texting you song recommendations last night. It stopped once it was ten which you assumed meant that he went to bed. Then Yoongi never texted you today if he was going to be missing. You only sent him a text telling him to feel better. Hopefully he's okay. He tends to ignore his health so he would show up to school even if he was dying. It must be really bad. Or it could be a doctor's appointment! It could really be anything. You don't know why your mind is leaning towards the negative stuff.

"You're allowed to work with others!" Mr. Kim clarified. "Three is the maximum amount though so choose wisely. If it gets too loud then all of you will be working independently."

This means you're going to have to work alone. Staring at your paper, you felt yourself wanting to throw your body out the window. This looked like a bunch of numbers and doodles. Mr. Kim can't actually expect this to make any sense? Does he really understand what all this crap is trying to say? Narrowing your eyes on the first problem, you sighed. No matter how you looked at the problems, they didn't get easier. It felt like you knew the first couple steps and then you lost it. Somewhere down the line is when you forgot everything Mr. Kim ever taught you. He could be making it up for all you know.

There was really no win. If you asked Mr. Kim for help—which you have—you knew it would only end with the same result. You paid more attention to his face then to what he was saying. At this point, you deserved the F and you were getting close to finally accepting defeat. Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and fail a class. Except you can't. Failing even one class at Sehwang means you get kicked out. Three years of this type of pressure sounded like so much fun. Gripping the paper tightly, you had to let it go before you accidentally tore it in two.

"You guys already have a group?" Hoseok's hopeful voice caught your attention.

"Yeah, sorry," A friend of his responded.

"We already have the limit." The three of them looked at each other.

"Maybe next time." Another shrugged.

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