Fake Friends

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You almost had no sleep last night. It was ridiculous! During the night, you kept tossing and turning with thoughts continuously popping up in your head. It was mainly the look the three rappers gave you today. The one where you felt like you couldn't breathe under their gaze. It was beginning to worry you. Just thinking back on their eyes had your heart racing. Why? You kept kicking off your blankets from how hot it was getting. Your entire body was flushed and it wasn't something you enjoyed. Leaving your bed in the middle of the night, you went to get a glass of water. Something to help you calm down. Plus, your throat was feeling really dry. When you went down there, you stared at your water more than drinking it.

Footsteps broke you out of your thoughts right away. Growing alert, you saw your Dad step into the kitchen with a worried expression. He rubbed his eyes, seeing you standing there and doing nothing. Dad immediately asked why you were up at midnight staring at a cup of water. Though you felt more comfortable talking to Mom about these kinds of things, it just felt too strong in your chest. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you asked your father to listen. Don't interrupt. Don't go on one of your monologues about how you're his princess and how he'll miss you. Dad stared at you with sad eyes, seeing what this might be about.

"I think...I might have feelings for a boy." You frowned. "But there's three boys in total and I can't tell if what I'm feeling is just another crush or something else. All three of them are confusing me."

"Three?" Dad raised a brow. He pursed his lips before scratching the back of his head. "Well Gum Drop...boys are weird."

"You think?" You wanted to laugh. It just didn't feel like the right moment to do so. "I just...I want to figure it out. It feels like they've been interested in me for a while now, but I've been so confused myself. What if by the time I figure it out...they've moved on? They're not interested?"

"You're worried that they won't be interested if you make them wait too long?" Dad repeated, looking almost upset. You've never really seen Dad angry before. It was actually pretty intimidating. "I wouldn't want anyone who you have to fight to keep interested in you anywhere near you. I don't want you forcing yourself to choose one of them just so they can be happy. It's okay to not be ready to date, my little one. You don't have to force yourself even if you're in high school and even if it might not be cool to stay single during this time in your life."

"..." You stared up at Dad silently.

"To be honest, I don't care much about his background. He can come from nothing, but I want him to improve himself based on you. He doesn't need the best manners or need to be the most skilled. As long as he's genuinely interested in you." Dad booped your nose. "Enough to notice the way your nose scrunches when you do your quick and tiny laughs. Enough for him to love and appreciate everything that you do. The right one will be there waiting no matter what. You don't have to keep him 'interested' by doing something you're uncomfortable with. Just be you. Even if you are my precious princess and it hurts to see you stressing over something like this, I want you to know that it will work out and you'll know. One day you'll just know he's the one without question. Then he and I will have the most important thing in common and that is you, Gum Drop."

"...I love you, Appa." You smiled. Now your thoughts weren't too worried on your friends. Or Hyunho. He was still a strong crush you had. "Thanks for the talk, Appa. Four boys can be a lot to handle." Dad gave you a hug before you started heading back towards your room. You felt yourself finally calming down about the situation. There was no rush and you'll know who's the one soon enough. As you made it to your room, Dad called out to you again.

"Hey Princess, uh...you said three boys then later four boys. Is it really four boys in total?" Dad nervously rubbed the back of his neck. You quietly laughed, quickly giving him a smile. One where your nose scrunched up slightly.

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