Principal Meeting

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It was a miracle you survived the pillow war. You managed to grab all your things, shouting bye as you ran out of the house. Of course you felt bad for your teacher and friends, but there wasn't much you could do. At least it's the next day now. The boys are survivors as you see them sitting in your class. You didn't have time to discuss the aftermath with them since Seokjin was in an intense study mode. Testing would begin next week, the same week as the contest. That meant there was going to be a lot on your guy's plates and even the middle school students were going to start testing.

Though you knew Seokjin's job as a teacher meant he would help students with testing, this was different. Most of your teachers left it up to you guys to do your own studying. They handed you guys heavy study guides and expected everyone to do their best. Then there was Seokjin who was going through every single review problem with you guys. Thoroughly explaining and refreshing everyone's mind. Every day until the standardized tests start was going to be a study day with him. The main reason you believed he was doing so much was because he knew you and your friends wouldn't have time to study with the contest coming around. This was the only time that you guys could do it.

It's been a while since you've seen Seokjin as Mr. Kim. He stood at the front of the classroom, constantly referring to the textbook. He would write on the board as he lectured before facing you guys with questions. He made sure everyone was on the same page. Especially his three students that struggled the most. There were times when Mr. Kim would ask if Yoongi had any questions. Did Hoseok understand? Was he going too fast for you? It made you want to scream with how attentive he was to you guys, but at least you were going to get a good score at this rate.

When Mr. Kim focused on his job, he was incredibly attractive. His broad shoulders facing his class as he wrote equations on the board. It almost made you want to laugh. You've gotten so used to seeing him as Seokjin that your old crush on him feels like it was years ago. His rejection still embarrasses you, but you're just glad he doesn't bring it up. Biting your lip, you did your best not to laugh at the thoughts going on through your head. Your mind was currently anywhere but math. Not that you had too much of a problem with that.

"Did you get that, (F/n)?" Mr. Kim asked, his eyes landing on you. He was doing his best to hide a gentle tone. Instead, he came across as annoyed for the other students. You broke out of your thoughts as students looked back at you with tiny smirks. You could already hear a couple murmurs from obnoxious classmates who always gave you crap.

'Bet she fails and leaves Sehwang'

'Can't believe she's lasted this long'

You pursed your lips at that. These @ssholes will always see you as a public school rat no matter how hard you worked to get in here and stay here. Before you could give Mr. Kim an answer, he slammed his hand on his desk. A bunch of students flinched including you. His gaze was serious as he stared at his students.

"I didn't give any of you permission to talk. Only (F/n)." Mr. Kim adjusted the watch on his wrist. "Please be respectful."

Mr. Kim was intimidating when he had to be. He was warm most of the time, but he looked cold when he wasn't speaking to others. His handsome looks added to the unapproachable vibe he usually carried. He returned to teaching, the classroom now dead silent. Some students still had the nerve to give you an annoyed look. You really didn't understand what their problem was. They never gave Hoseok any of this type of behavior. Only because he was the golden boy so he was lucky. You got the raw end of the deal, but you tolerated it for the most part. Even though you so badly wanted to flip them off, you didn't want to get publicly scolded by Mr. Kim.

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