The Delinquent

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"D*mn it, d*mn it, why!?" You stomped your foot.

Things were only crumbling now. A large part of you wanted to cry out of pure frustration. Was this really how things had to end? It was so painful watching Yoongi and Namjoon yell at each other. They're such sweet boys in reality. Seeing them behave so cruelly...they know better. They should know better. Mr. Kim stared at you trying to hold in your emotions. He was sympathetic as he carefully stepped closer. He wanted to comfort you as an adult you could trust, but he was still your teacher. The same one who student-zoned you and rightfully so.

"May I ask what's going on?" Mr. Kim questioned softly. "If you don't mind telling me what has you so stressed."

"It's Yoongi," You answered. Taking in a deep breath, you blinked your eyes repeatedly in hopes of getting rid of the sting. "He left and I need to find him, b-but I don't even know where he lives and—"

"Breathe for me, Cha (F/n)." Mr. Kim grabbed your shoulders. You hadn't even noticed how fast you were speaking. It felt like everything leaving your mouth was coming out in stutters. You were all over the place. Yoongi, where are you? The man in front of you took his time with you. It was something not everyone would get from an adult, much less a teacher outside of school. Something was different with him. He only became more human to you and less attached to his job. Seokjin squeezed your shoulders as you noticed the three children coming over to the doorstep. They remained quiet with hurt expressions. Did they hear the fighting? Jungkook had his things ready but let Seokjin speak to you. "Take a second to clear your mind."

"Okay..." You nodded. Seokjin smiled again once you were doing better. He straightened his posture as he looked in the direction Yoongi had run off in.

"I saw him as I was coming here in my car," Seokjin stated. "And...I also know his address."

"Y-You do? How?" Your eyes widened. Seokjin removed his hands from your shoulders to pull out a pen. He took your hand, writing down the address with a sigh.

"You'll know when you get there. For now, do what you need to do." Seokjin put the cap back on the pen. "I wish you best of luck."

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." You bowed before running off. The address was already familiar. Yoongi was right when he told you he lived near the school. There was no need for him to go on the bus with you in the beginning of the year.

Slamming your feet on the pavement, you refused to stop running. Even with your legs growing tired and your lungs burning. You had to check his home first. The second option was Midnight Measure, but you would have to go there at night. It's not like you have a ride there though. It was now or never. You had to talk to him while he was vulnerable or else he would never open up. You ran harder, ignoring your aching feet. You pumped your legs faster in the direction of his home. On your way there, you could see the castle like school sitting on top of its hill. A smile came onto your face as you knew you were getting closer to Yoongi.

There was the street name. Turning on the corner, you stared at the numbers placed on each home. One of these homes had to be his own. That's when you saw the exact number and you felt a wave of relief hit you. Your legs slowed down as you walked up to the door. You ignored the burning and tight feeling in your calves. Licking your lips, you did your best to catch your breath before knocking on the door. Hopefully Yoongi is the one who opens the door. As soon as you felt you were pulled together, you knocked on the door. The sun was already setting, but you weren't giving up. You'd wait for him for as long as it takes.

There were voices inside. You could hear a woman ordering anyone to open the door. She just wanted someone to do it already so you wouldn't be left waiting. There was an annoyed groan before you heard the click of the door. Straightening your posture, you smiled as the door cracked opened to reveal a grumpy looking Yoongi. He really does live here! Yoongi's eyes widened to see you standing on his doorstep. He had no idea how you could have possibly found him. The only thing you found strange was the fact that he never opened the door wide. He kept it closed with only his head poking out. Now that you were in front of him, it looked like he wanted to close it even more.

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