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"I studied so hard that I thought my brain was going to explode." Hoseok had trouble staying still.

"Me too. I'm so nervous..." You frowned.

Today was officially the last day before break. There wasn't enough time to be excited for the freedom. Now that the rap performance was done a few days ago, you've put all your energy into passing this test. You were aiming for a B, the highest. You wanted to be realistic. With all your other classes, you had it in the bag. But of course, math is different and it will always make you scream inside. Today's tests are the reason you put down focusing on the contest. You had to remind yourself that passing your classes are important too. Principal Yoo gave you your warning about failing the class. There's no time to fall back now that you're finally raising your grade.

Hoseok was the only one as nervous as you were. The two of you were desperate to stay at Sehwang. At this point, returning to a public school felt like a major failure. You would be forced to see your old friends and you'd most likely get ridiculed. The same would happen to Hoseok. They would show more clemency towards Hoseok though. Either way, the two of you felt like your brains were fried. These few past days have been filled with extreme studying. So much that Hoseok and you didn't spend time to practice at Namjoon's house.

Yoongi wasn't worried much. Maybe he was and he's only really good at hiding it. He normally kept his expressions to a minimum. The most Yoongi did was keep checking around the hall if Seokjin was coming. He dropped Hoseok off at school so he had to be somewhere around here. At the same time, Yoongi has formed a strange friendship with Seokjin so you can't be sure what his intentions are. There's also the fact that Yoongi is a really hard student to get rid of. He's the principal's wife's son for god's sake. Min Yoongi is practically untouchable. He can only get light scolds from the principal at most before he himself puts the principal in his place.

"You guys will be fine. You guys studied hard and used the study guide." Namjoon smiled. Yoongi nodded along with him.

"Exactly." Yoongi sighed.

Now Namjoon was one guy you didn't have to worry about when it came to passing a test. Namjoon could do these math problems in his sleep. It really wasn't any sort of issue for him. The only thing that you have been noticing with Namjoon is his lack of speed. He used to finish work for the class as quickly as possible. Seokjin hasn't said anything, but you can see it in his eyes. Seokjin keeps looking at Namjoon to see what's wrong. It's not like Namjoon to turn in late work or to bother turning in things unfinished. Yesterday might have worried the teacher the most. Namjoon had to go to a meeting as class president but skipped it. Hoseok and you weren't so sure he should have done that. It's no thanks to Yoongi though. The delinquent was encouraging him to forget the meeting and work on music. Yoongi's not always a good influence. It's fine, you guess.

"Ready for break everyone?" Seokjin finally arrived. He waved his keys around as students perked up. Some were still busy reviewing their study guides. "Let's get these tests out of the way then. Come on in." He unlocked the classroom door. Students began flooding inside as he walked to his desk. He had the stack of papers tucked underneath his arm. They were warm and freshly printed. He smiled as everyone sat themselves in their seats. Everyone was taking new sharp pencils and erasers, including you. Seokjin stepped up with a smile, looking over at the clock. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Jungkook's P.O.V.


"Eat up." Jimin moved his boxed lunch near Taehyung.

"Thank you, Jiminie." Taehyung stuffed his chopsticks inside. He grabbed the biggest chunk of meat, automatically making Jimin regret sharing.

"Y-Yah! We're supposed to share!" Jimin clutched the meat with his own pair of chopsticks. I scrunched my face, watching them fight. This seems to happen every lunch. It always feels like Jimin is taking care of Taehyung. They bicker a lot but also take care of one another. Even though I've been added to their friend group, they're still extremely close. Sometimes I just watch and judge everything they do. Biting into my bread, I continued to watch the mess in front of me. "Give me that."

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