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There was one thing that all of you had to do. Last night, Jimin explained what happened to him. He was startled but doing a lot better. He's just glad that nothing truly awful occurred. That made returning back to practice full force a lot easier for him. A lot of you would have preferred him taking a break, but none of you wanted to tell Jimin how to cope. All of you would like to think that Jimin knew how to take care of himself the best. He seemed to be taking it a lot better than you thought. And it was all thanks to the maknaes of D-Crunch.

None of you could deny that fact. They protected him and got authorities called. With their quick reaction, Jimin was left safe and unharmed. They also comforted him after which you felt really got Jimin to relax. Jungkook and Taehyung felt guilty, but Jimin told them it was okay. He wanted to move on. That didn't mean that he wanted to forget their rival's actions. Jimin wanted to properly thank them without it feeling rushed. Namjoon and you looked at each other when Jimin said that. He had the right to thank them, but you guys would have to avoid their hyungs.

Hyunwook wasn't too much of a threat, but he wouldn't be too happy to see you guys around. Then last you checked, Sangchan was extremely upset. He's going to make sure that the others follow his example. They're slowly becoming more intimidating as the contest draws closer. The contest was very soon too. This was the last week before the real competition all begins. Next Saturday, your boys will most likely be showing no mercy towards the members of D-Crunch or the other groups participating in the contest.

It was almost hard to believe that the contest was so near. It was making you nervous. The other boys were excited, but also a ball of nerves which you completely understood. They wanted to focus everything into the contest. Bringing Jimin to his three heroes took time away from practice, but you guys were willing to make it happen. The plan was for Seokjin to take you and your friends to the Sehyun middle school. There you guys would pick up the zoo and go to the middle school that the maknaes of D-Crunch went to. No one knew what school they went to. The only thing you guys could run off was the uniform that the zoo has seen them wear. Based off the description, you knew the uniform too well as you had one shoved away deep in your own closet.

Hoseok was doing his best not to frown on the ride over. The two of you were too familiar with this area. While the others in the cramped car were minding their own business, you exchanged a glance with Hoseok. You thought he would be at least a teeny bit happier to come here, but no. The memories that came from this place weren't so great. The others in the car were so oblivious and you could understand why. Namjoon went to the same gifted middle school as his brother and the rest of the zoo. Yoongi used to live in another town and Seokjin hasn't been in middle school for years. Meanwhile Hoseok and you were getting unpleasant flashbacks to the time you guys hated life.

Well, you hated life. Hoseok was popular but had to deal with fake friends and the beginning of his mother's treatment. You have no idea how he thought of life then. Seokjin drove near the school, parking the car in front of the field rather than the office. Jimin hurriedly hopped out of the car before Namjoon could state some ground rules. The president was baffled as Taehyung and Jungkook chased after the baby chick. They left in such a rush that they didn't even close the door. Seokjin sighed, muttering to himself on how he should probably just buy a van if he's going to be giving seven other people rides all the time.

"You should! Sounds like a good investment." Yoongi reclined the passenger's seat. He adjusted himself, getting comfortable and ready to take a nap.

"H-Hey! Lift that up right now!" Namjoon tapped the chair repeatedly. His long legs were getting squished. Namjoon wanted to move but was inevitably trapped by his long limbs and lack of space thanks to Yoongi.

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