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Hoseok made sure Jimin and Jungkook found seats first. He didn't want the boys standing for the entire bus ride. There were only three seats open which Hoseok let you take. He wanted you seated with the two boys while he remained standing in front of the three of you. He admitted that he wanted to have all of you in his sight. None of you were getting lost on his watch. You smiled to yourself, enjoying how much care he had for the baby chick and bunny. You appreciated that he wanted to keep you safe as well, but you knew you could take care of yourself. A lot better than Jungkook and Jimin at least. Hoseok's just always on edge because of the news.

The four of you went on the bus today to go to the club Poppin' to dance. Hoseok was bringing his best dancers to go up against your rivals. Sangchan was bringing his best dancers from D-Crunch. Hoseok wasn't nervous but the both of you could tell that Jungkook and Jimin were. The news that they had to battle left them shocked. They were told last minute and Hoseok practically kidnapped Jungkook from Seokjin. The teacher threatened to fail Hoseok, but Namjoon told him that Jungkook would be back soon. It actually left you surprised that Namjoon bothered to defend Hoseok after what happened back at Midnight Measure.

Namjoon refused to show up to support the dancers because Hoseok didn't originally think to bring Taehyung. Hoseok didn't mean to, but he hurt Namjoon's feelings. Taehyung on the other hand wasn't too bothered. Hoseok asked if he wanted to come but Taehyung wanted to practice on his vocals first. Something about mastering his new manly voice. At that point, Namjoon wanted Taehyung out of the house. Either way, the four of you were the only ones on the bus. Yoongi probably would have come, but he couldn't. He's been grounded since the dinner that only occurred two days ago. He hasn't been able to go anywhere besides school, his home, and tutoring which is really BTS practice. He says it's not too bad besides the fact that they took his producing equipment. He's been borrowing a lot from Namjoon when he shows up to the president's house.

"How long until we get there?" Jungkook swung his legs back and forth. He looked around him, watching buildings pass through the window. Streetlights were beginning to turn on as the sun continued to set.

"Really soon!" Jimin grinned.

"Hey, I was asking Hoseok hyung!" Jungkook pouted before turning to you. "It's no fair. How come Jimin-a got to come first?"

"It's because that little punk followed us," You explained, giving a playful glare to the pink haired boy. The baby chick flushed but kept a smile on his face. Jungkook laughed as Hoseok dug one hand in his back pocket. He pulled out his phone, staring at the screen in surprise.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok answered. "I thought you were grounded and couldn't use your phone."

"Eomma figured I would need it. She's soft." Yoongi's voice was heard. Hoseok kept the phone held out in front of him. Was he having a video chat with him? You tilted your head while Jungkook leaned forward in his seat. The little bunny wanted to see his hyung, his ears perking up at the sound of the grumpy tiger. Hoseok shook his head, chuckling at his friend. He ignored the bunny that was starting to pester him. Jungkook wanted to sit up from his seat and was tugging at Hoseok's sleeve. The boy kept saying he wanted to see his hyung. Hoseok kept the screen facing himself though, easily annoying the bunny.

"Hyung-nim!" Jungkook called out.

"Is my precious dongsaeng there?" Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah, but he's busy." Hoseok grinned.

"No, I'm not!" Jungkook shouted. This time he tried stealing Hoseok's phone which wasn't a good idea. During the fumble to have the phone, they almost dropped it on the ground. Jimin sighed and mumbled 'kids' under his breath. Well, he's certainly one to talk. Hoseok eventually got a perfect grip on his phone but showed his screen to the three of you that were seated. "Hyung-nim!"

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