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Friday's were always a good day. You were just waiting for the good part with this Friday to begin already. Today has been filled with nothing, but testing. The first test you had today was in Seokjin's class. It was section three of the math test and you guys finally finished it today. It felt like your shoulders had gotten lighter to have the math stuff being over with. Thankfully the review Seokjin forced you guys to do yesterday really helped you. Now you're sure you did good in math! The rest of your classes weren't too worrisome. It's not like the tests were fun, but they were a lot easier than math ever will be. Maybe you should have studied them for a little more. That would have been a good idea, but you did your best with the time you had. You're positive you'll do well anyway.

You're passing all your classes as the second semester slowly comes to a close. At the end of the month, spring break would begin. Which meant two things! Either the boys could win the contest at the start of spring break or they lost before then. Though you hated the second option, it was a reality that you couldn't completely ignore. You didn't want to go into this contest blind. If you ignore and deny any chance of them losing, you feel that will only cause more harm than good. You just need to have faith in your boys but be ready for anything as their manager. You take your job very seriously of course!

Setting down your pencil, you bit your lip. The last test of the day was finally complete and there were only a couple minutes left of class. Hopefully, time flies by fast. You want to get out of here as fast as you can. The rest of the boys and you were going to Namjoon's house as normal to practice hard. The only difference this time was that you guys were staying past six in the evening. Mom already knows the deal since you explained everything to her. About the contest, the boys, all that. She also knows that you're going to have a sleepover with them at Namjoon's house. Dad just had to think Namjoo and you're all good.

The clock was ticking and you were growing impatient. Come on! You can't even look at your phone to pass the time. If a phone gets taken out at all, your test will get ripped up. There's no way you're taking that chance when you go to Sehwang Academy. That's just a death wish. You just had to distract yourself by daydreaming which was a lot easier than you thought it would be. Before you knew it, the bell rang and you were back in reality. Your teacher told everyone to put their pencils down and to turn the papers over. She would pick them all up by herself while the rest of you are free to go. Testing is finally over? F*ck yeah!!

With your things packed and ready to go, you bolted out of the classroom. It was way too stressful, but you were free from it! Now the only weight on your shoulders was from the contest! Awful, but you preferred that over the tests. Mainly with how much emphasis the faculty put on these tests. The higher the score you get, the higher privileges you get which is understandable. Then the school also grabs the average of the entire school's scores and brags to local high schools. Well, you hope they got what they wanted because you feel out of order. Making your way to the gates, you panted and looked around. Maybe you got too excited to leave since no one else was here yet.

"Yah!" A familiar voice shouted. You turned to see Yoongi running over. "You were supposed to wait for me!" He slowed down in front of you, panting with a frown. "I can't made me run..."

"Oh...sorry, I got really excited to leave." You chuckled before patting his back. "And who cares if you ran? You're able to dance for hours!"

"Because Jung Hoseok makes me!" Yoongi retorted.

"I make you do what?" Hoseok suddenly appeared. The two of you jump into the air in surprise. He literally came out of nowhere! Hoseok grinned at the both of you smugly as he told you not to talk about him when he's not here or else he'll just magically appear. Even while he was teasing, you had to get your heart rate to slow down. By this time, Namjoon was showing up with a calm expression. He must have done well on his tests. You have no doubt about that.

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