Full House

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Yoongi had a strange smile on his face during the entire lunch break. He said it was nothing as if he wasn't purposely making it. It left you feeling a bit unsettled if you were being honest. Yoongi normally kept things to himself, but you were suspicious. Then the other strange thing was the pair of eyes staring in your direction. It made you wildly uncomfortable to be stared at from across the cafeteria. It didn't take a genius to realize it was Hoseok who was looking at you. What was the big idea? The golden boy was ignoring his friends and watching you with a nervous gaze. A part of you felt tempted to tell him off. Everything was making you feel weird at the moment for some reason.

Either way, you tried to push through it. Today was just one of those days. Yoongi remained strange as he dropped you off for your last class of the day. He didn't leave your mind during class. By the time school had to come to an end, you were ready to forget all about it. It's not a big deal to begin with. That's when Yoongi came by to pick you up from your class. The smirk hadn't left his face the entire time. He barely made eye contact with you during the walk out of school. He continued to give you a strange feeling. Then you saw Hoseok standing outside of the building. He watched you, silently fidgeting with his orange backpack.

This is getting creepy and you don't like it. Yoongi didn't even notice the big frown on your face. The only reason you were keeping your sanity was for the fact that you were going to Namjoon's house after this. You wouldn't have to deal with a weird Yoongi on the bus. Eyes continued to watch you walk up to the school gates. What is Hoseok doing? You tried not to glance at him too much. Yoongi began to chuckle out of nowhere. He struggled to control his grin and people were staring at him. Standing in front of him, you felt so uncomfortable.

"Yoongi...what is going on with you?" You gulped.

"Oh...nothing at all." Yoongi shook his head. "Are you ready to go home?"

"I'm actually going to Namjoon's house. For tutoring," You stated. Yoongi's smile refused to falter. The corners raised slightly higher. He's smiling!? You grew alarmed, your heart started to pick up the pace.

"Right. How could I forget?" Yoongi tilted his head playfully. "He should be here soon."

"Hopefully," You muttered to yourself.

Yoongi had officially lost it. He looked like he was happily going to murder someone. Nervously biting your lip, you saw Namjoon coming out of the castle like building. He saw Hoseok and waved to the boy. The popular boy instantly became startled while the president was simply confused. You began to say your goodbyes with Yoongi as Namjoon made his way over. The two boys nodded at each other before Namjoon and you went off to his house. The second the two of you were out of ear shot, you released a heavy breath that you didn't even know you were holding in. Namjoon only raised a brow at you.

It didn't take long to arrive to his house. Mainly because you were speed walking the entire way there. Namjoon didn't understand the hurry. Maybe you were paranoid from today, but you could have sworn the both of you were being followed. It felt like eyes were watching your every move. Quiet footsteps delicately hiding away anytime you turned around. They knew you were paranoid. You thought about telling Namjoon, but you would only sound crazy. This entire experience was making you feel crazy and you hated it.

Namjoon opened his front door wide. Before he could say anything, you ran in to take off your shoes. You almost fell in the process, but that's okay! Namjoon furrowed his brows and slowly stepped in. It didn't help that you peeked through the windows. You scanned the outside for safety, but it looked calm. Nothing too off. Suddenly, you heard Namjoon clear his voice right behind you. When did he get there!? You jumped and got ready to fight. The president stared at your defensive form, trying to understand what's been going on with you.

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