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Jimin's P.O.V.


Dance class finished half an hour ago. We're supposed to be heading back to Taehyung's house, but we keep getting distracted. Let me rephrase that. Taehyung keeps getting distracted and Jungkook makes it worse. If they would only listen to me then we would already be practicing with our hyungs. Do they even want to beat D-Crunch? Win the competition at all? It was a bit frustrating if I'm being honest. Jungkook and Taehyung joined my dance class like they always did. I'm surprised my teacher hasn't kicked them out yet or told them to pay for the classes. She only smiles at them for trying to follow along to the best of their abilities.

I think having them learn ballet is what's helping them improve their dancing so quickly. Ballet is filled with technique and is the basis of all kinds of styles. It really helps Jungkook and Taehyung get in tune with their body. They mentally prepare themselves for how exhausting it is but work to make it look graceful and effortless. Now they know the struggle I constantly put myself through. Taehyung and Jungkook end up sweating a lot from the classes. They say it's hard and always end up aching since their body hasn't been trained to move this way. It's entertaining to me, but I appreciate that they do it repeatedly anyway.

The only thing that bugs me is when they occasionally mess around. Taehyung started recording after our class learned a few quick steps. I didn't notice him prop it up. Mainly because Jungkook was blocking him and I was entirely focused on dancing as always. Our teacher clapped her hands, making us all go one by one to demonstrate our petit allegros. Though she said mine was perfect, I could have sworn I was off beat. Each move perfectly went along with the keys of the piano yet I didn't sauté high enough. It was sloppy.

That's when I saw Taehyung's phone resting against the wall. Open and recording. My face flushed instantly to know I was being recorded. Taehyung had to be mean though. I fought with him to delete the video, but he sent it to the group chat. It's so embarrassing! I wanted to punch Taehyung so we wrestled for a bit outside of the studio. After a while, Jungkook told us to knock it off. That's how we first got distracted and that was partly my fault. I admit that, but the second time was all Taehyung! He wanted to get ice cream and so we did!

"What does yours taste like, Jiminie?" Taehyung shoved his nose in my direction. I scrunched my face, upset with how close he was to taking a bite of mine.

"It tastes good. Back off!" I huffed.

"I don't get why you're being so mean to me!" Taehyung took a big bite of his chocolate ice cream cone. I had a cup of strawberry while Jungkook had a vanilla cone. I ignored him which only made him feel saddened. Unlike me, Taehyung doesn't get annoyed when someone ignores him. He began to sulk and I sighed, knowing that Taehyung never means to intentionally hurt anyone.

"Don't be like that." I wrapped my arm around him. His head was low and he was no longer interested in finishing his ice cream. I lifted my cup up to his face, smiling at him. "Here. It's delicious and you should try it."

"I can?" Taehyung looked at me. Once I nodded, he happily took a big scope. I tried not to show anger on my face anymore. Taehyung let me try his ice cream and we were both giggling as we walked down the street. Suddenly, there was a heavy sigh next to us.

"Something wrong?" I asked, seeing Jungkook who had finished his treat. He had a cone in his hand a second ago. "Oh! Sorry, we didn't mean to make you feel like a third wheel."

"You know, Jungkook, Namjoon hyung used to be our third wheel. He didn't have friends before noona showed up so he would hang out with us seventh graders." Taehyung grinned, eating the rest of his cone in one big chomp. "Not gonna lie, it was awkward sometimes."

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