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You came to school feeling nervous. The tests had to be graded already. That was not a good thing either. Things were only going to continue going downhill from here. Technically, it didn't have to be that way. Yoongi would want you to be a little more positive surprisingly enough. He didn't care if he failed, but he knew how much it meant to you. It was all you could think about. He's already experienced you dozing off because of it. Yoongi was only going to get more crying from you about the entire test.

Dragging your feet, you made it to Mr. Kim's classroom in despair. It didn't last long. You snapped out of it once you saw all your classmates standing outside. Was Mr. Kim not here yet? All the other students were talking to their friends or on their phones. Okay then. You wouldn't have thought much about it except for the fact that Yoongi wasn't here either. He's usually already at the school since he lives close by. Frowning, you began to realize that he wasn't coming in today. He had to have gone rapping underground and lost his sleep.

That punk. Right when you needed him most.

"(F/n)!!" Hoseok ran to you, waving his arm excitedly. Oh, this is too early in the morning for that amount of energy. He charged at you with a giant smile on his face. Did he want your number? Swallowing hard, you had no idea how to get out of this one. The other students were staring at him in confusion. What was a popular guy like him talking to you? He seemed to have left his original group of friends to talk to you. That wasn't necessary.

You gave Hoseok a half smile as he slowed down in front of you. Mr. Kim still wasn't here and Yoongi would most likely not be showing up today. There was no point in causing a scene so you sighed and got over it. A short conversation with Hoseok won't hurt. As long as it doesn't end the same way it did last time. He came to you to ask about Namjoon but left with his own answer. He didn't care for what you had to say. His words were able to stick in your head though. You don't know Namjoon and he can't fit everything his label has under its description.

"Hi there, Hoseok." You felt slightly awkward. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." Hoseok nodded, pulling out his phone from his yellow jacket. He held it up as you impatiently tapped your foot. It wasn't anything against him. Your stomach was doing flips again as you were reminded of your test. It just kept randomly popping up in your head. Constantly haunting you and making you worry about what will come next. You should have studied harder. You should have done so many things beforehand, but now you're worrying about your grade? It was already awful. At this point, you deserved to fail. Biting your lip, you looked around for Mr. Kim. Your entire stomach felt empty and the back of your neck got so hot for some reason. It was burning as strands of hair stuck out. You were so jittery and all over the place. "(F/n)? (F/n)?"

"Y-Yes?" You turned to face the male again. You were tightly gripping the sleeves of your uniform. A huge wave of anxiousness was hitting you. Taking in a shaky breath, Hoseok caught that and stopped trying to show you random videos he found funny. He pursed his lips, quickly tapping onto his phone. He wasn't going to deal with you now that you were panicking. Even Yoongi was getting fed up with it. He had to be.

"Play this game, (F/n)." Hoseok handed you his phone.

"Game?" You held it, staring at the screen in slight confusion.

"It's a puzzle game and requires a bit of thought to beat the levels." Hoseok grinned. "I'm kind of dumb so I haven't really gotten far."

"'re not dumb. You got into this school." You were able to give him the tiniest smile. That one ounce of genuine joy made Hoseok's grin widen.

"You're pretty smart though. Play this level." Hoseok tapped at the screen. "I couldn't figure it out for the life of me."

"Okay." You began to play.

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