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Namjoon yawned as he stepped inside the classroom. He was the last one to arrive out of the four of you. Hoseok was here from the beginning while Yoongi and you came together as always. The three of you automatically started yelling at the president's arrival. Hoseok was chanting Namjoon's name, Yoongi wanted to know why he was late, and you were cheering about the president's arrival. Chaos was already starting so early in the morning. Namjoon furrowed his brows and shook his head. He immediately told all of you to quiet down. He also muttered that he wasn't late which wasn't true. He came later than usual is what all of you were trying to say.

The president seemed more tired lately. There are some days where he looks completely sleep deprived and other days where he looks on top of his game. It always felt like a cycle. The difference with lately was that he wasn't returning to tip top shape. It was taking him some time possibly. Anytime Hoseok or you asked, Namjoon would say it was due to studying. He needed to keep his grades perfect. Focus on class president responsibilities. Plus, learn the following lessons early in order to properly teach them to you guys. He had a lot on his plate so you understood that. Sometimes he would complain about Taehyung bothering him all the time. He still loves his little brother though.

Then there was Hoseok with his own little brother, Jimin. The baby chick now comes to the Kim household every day after school. Anytime he gets the chance, he talks to Hoseok about dance. The boy is mesmerized with the videos Hoseok has sent to him. It's a style of dance he's never been exposed too. On the occasion, Hoseok shows Jimin little moves he can practice on. The two have gotten closer than ever before. Jimin was starting to have stars in his eyes when he looked at Hoseok. Complete admiration for his hyung. It was the same look you saw in Taehyung's eyes when he stared at Namjoon. It's the most adorable thing.

Namjoon patted Hoseok's shoulder. The bell had just rung which meant they had to get into their seats already. Hoseok pouted but followed the president. Other students were settling down as they bell stopped. Mr. Kim was at the front of the classroom, looking through papers urgently. It stayed silent the first couple of seconds of class. It wasn't long before Mr. Kim became aware of this and laughed awkwardly. He continued to search for something, saying the class would begin in just a moment. People kept their eyes on the handsome teacher who eventually found what he was looking for. He smiled at it, his eyes soon landing on Namjoon.

"Class president, do you mind bringing this to the office?" Mr. Kim held the papers out towards the student. Namjoon nodded as he reached for the papers. "And you'll have a meeting after school today. Sorry for the sudden notice."

"A meeting?" Namjoon held the papers, raising a brow at the teacher. "Is it urgent?"

"Not really, but you will have to bring a student volunteer." Mr. Kim gave the boy an apologetic smile for telling him this a bit late. Namjoon frowned at the idea of bringing a student volunteer. As he looked around the classroom, students kept their arms crossed and refused to make eye contact with him. For some reason, the people in your grade were not fans of Namjoon. They saw him more as competition than anything. This entire school was based off competition so you could understand why. But it only made Namjoon feel lonely to see no hands go up. Until one finally did, their fingers wiggling to grab his attention. Namjoon chuckled and Mr. Kim stated that it was settled. Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon would be going to the meeting after school.

Namjoon muttered a 'thank you' to Hoseok. The golden boy grinned as if it was nothing even though he had no idea what he signed himself up for. Namjoon stepped out of the class to bring up the paper. The second he left the class, a boy near you guys started talking rudely about the president. You didn't really know him that well. The only thing you knew for sure was that he was the second smartest in your entire grade and that's why he hated Namjoon. You were immediately getting annoyed with hearing his voice. Mr. Kim was starting class but couldn't hear the frustrating student. Hoseok and you were glaring until a fist landed roughly against a desk.

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