Back To School

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Returning to school has been an interesting experience. It was already one that you had been dreading. Most students don't want to come back after a taste of freedom. But as usual, you have to come back and you eventually get over it. It's not that big of a deal. The only difference with this time was the fact that three people at this school now had their hair dyed. People had automatic questions for Hoseok. What made him want to dye his hair with an orange tint? It looked more natural than the other new dye jobs. People were speechless to see the top student, Kim Namjoon, as a blonde. He looked cute in it! But you could see why they were a bit startled. Then the biggest reaction was towards the hottest math teacher at the academy.

At that point, people thought something was going on. Mr. Kim walked down the halls, doing his best to be shameless. He felt all the extra stares he was receiving from students and faculty. It was hard to ignore purple hair when a majority of the school had naturally black hair. Mr. Kim used to be a brunette though and now he suddenly changed it. People where whispering if teachers were even allowed to dye their hair. No one had the guts to ask him about it. They stayed quiet about it near him. The difference was when it came to your friends. Yoongi already had wine colored hair so people quickly drew their own conclusions.

Lots of people were believing that Yoongi either dared or forced the two boys to dye their hair. Despite all three of them getting along now, people were sure there was bad blood between them. You didn't understand what their problem was. Can't they focus on their own lives? You suppose it is a bit hard when Hoseok keeps getting out of his seat to show his new hair to people around the class. Yoongi only plugged in his ear buds and Namjoon shook his head. All of you were back in school, alright. Hoseok returned to you guys at the back of the classroom. He pulled out his phone, wanting to take a picture for the first day back. Yoongi was too busy listening to music and napping while you claimed you weren't in the mood for it. Namjoon tensed up since you took his excuse.

"Smile!" Hoseok wrapped his arm around the blonde. Namjoon gave up, smiling as Hoseok took multiple photos. At one point, Mr. Kim walked around the classroom as casually as he could. One he reached the back, he took the chance to join in the photo. Hoseok held back his laughter so he wouldn't attract attention to the teacher. If Hoseok can get a picture with the teacher then you know a bunch of girls will ask for some too. Mr. Kim grinned to himself, walking back to his desk as if he wasn't close friends with the four of you now. Sometimes it was still hard to believe the friendship you guys managed to get with him. From the way he looks, you wouldn't think his personality matched. Mr. Kim looked handsome, but cold. In reality, he's extremely nice and proper. But he can be childish and makes a lot of dad jokes that he strongly believes Jungkook enjoys.

The bell eventually rang causing students to pack up all their things. Some classmates eyed Namjoon and Hoseok again with judging stares. Others almost bumped into the wall by staring at Mr. Kim for too long. The four of you split to your classes. It was awful to be back, but you were slowly recovering. The only good thing was that class passed by faster than you thought it would. Lunch was your favorite! Today would be spent relaxing. Hoseok decided that he wasn't going to rehearse anything with Yoongi and Namjoon. They've put endless effort during the break. That was something you could agree on. Those two no longer drove Hoseok crazy which meant they improved so much.

Getting in the lunch line, you hummed to yourself. It's been a while since you've had food from the school. You already knew you would have to share some of it with Yoongi. During Mr. Kim's class, he opened his bag to search for his notebook. He didn't have any snack packed at all. That boy. Sometimes you worry that if you weren't always there to keep an eye on him, he would starve. You grabbed a tray when you heard a familiar voice repeating 'excuse me'. They made their way through the line so they could just stand next to you. This felt very familiar as you turned to face him, raising a brow at his antics. The ball of sunshine only smiled back at you.

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