Blinded Logic

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Having to deal with three boys all the time is draining. It's been a new experience that you didn't expect to gain when coming to this school. They're all very real with how they present themselves to you. The honesty was something you appreciated. Except that all of them had very strong personalities. It wasn't just Yoongi that you hung out with at school anymore. It was interesting to adjust to the sudden addition of new friends. Even Yoongi was trying to deal with it. He was used to hanging out with you alone and now there were others constantly around you as well.

When you arrive to class early with Yoongi, Hoseok quickly comes over to the both of you. He does most of the talking and is always excited about something new. He's always mentioning that you guys should see him dance sometime. Luckily with Hoseok, Yoongi doesn't mind having him around. Sometimes Yoongi will set the boy straight by making him shut up or telling him not to eat lunch with his old friends. That was something Yoongi and you both noticed. His old friends felt fake and Yoongi didn't want Hoseok hanging around them anymore.

Hoseok was confused, but never questioned it. Having Hoseok away from his old friends only meant that he hung around you and Yoongi a lot more. There were times when he would send light flirts your way to which you would quickly shut down. Plus, Yoongi gave him an instant glare and not so mumbled threats. You were fine with Hoseok, but you preferred not to be alone with him. It felt awkward since the two of you still haven't mentioned the whole panic thing you had way back and the little fight you had about Namjoon's humor. You didn't want to shove it under the carpet, but it looked like Hoseok might have.

Lastly, there was Namjoon. He focused on his responsibilities as class president and made sure to balance it with his job as a tutor. He also added something else to the mix. That included being your friend as well as Hoseok's. Namjoon would sit in the windowsill next to you and Yoongi. He would occasionally make conversation and then get bothered by Yoongi's little comments. The two of them were only mildly annoyed with each other. They tried their best not to be rude to one another. Especially with you around to scold them, not that you had to do that often. Hoseok seemed to keep them under control without them even realizing it.

It all started literally the day after the first tutoring session. Hoseok kept looking at Yoongi and you during Mr. Kim's class, but he never talked to you guys. It was really strange. Yoongi only told you to ignore him. Then when it was around lunch, you met up with Yoongi by the windowsill as usual. He was sitting against the window, clutching his stomach. You rushed to give him the lunch you made for him. You constantly worried for Yoongi and he thanked you right away for making his food. He opened it up, eating it up like you were the best chef in the world.

"Thank you so much!" Yoongi smiled at you, his cheeks full of rice.

"It's nothing." You chuckled. Yoongi was about to say something else until he saw someone behind you. His happy expression vanished instantly and he swallowed all the rice. You turned around, bewildered with his sudden change in attitude. The person standing behind you stood tall with his neatly pressed uniform and gelled back hair.

"I don't mean to interrupt..." Namjoon pursed his lips.

"Then go—"

"Not at all!" You shouted to cover Yoongi's voice. Namjoon still heard it, but you hoped he would ignore it.

"I only wanted to talk about my rules with tutoring with you guys. Now that we have more people—" Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do your parents have a problem with it?" Yoongi took a bite of chicken.

"Them? No, they don't have a problem with it..." Namjoon shook his head as he stared at the ground. He was silent for a few seconds. Then his lips parted to speak again.

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