Awkward Walk

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Mr. Kim was wearing glasses today. Does he know what he's doing to the female students? You had to pull yourself together more than twice today. That's a bit of a problem. Other than that, math class was going pretty well. Mr. Kim said today would be used as a review day. This chapter was a long one and you guys had reached the midpoint. Tomorrow would be a small quiz so you were thankful for this chance. He's such a great teacher! And a kind person as well! This wasn't your tiny crush on him talking either. He genuinely was, but Yoongi usually blocked your reasoning out and told you that you were obsessed with his looks.

Speaking of Yoongi, he had his head down on his desk. Class has only been in session for five minutes. He's napping already? You repeatedly glanced at him in worry. He's normally never this sleepy. Any time Mr. Kim looked over at the back, you made sure to be more distracting. Something to make a sleeping Yoongi go unnoticed. Mr. Kim handed out the papers and told you guys that you were allowed to work in groups of four. Four? Namjoon and Hoseok turned around in their seats with smirks on their faces. Doesn't that work out just perfectly?

Hoseok and Namjoon sat at the very front of the room next to each other. Namjoon always sat at the front, but Hoseok had to be moved. Mr. Kim got tired of the golden boy whispering jokes to the class president when they were two seats away. You're not quite sure how moving Hoseok closer to Namjoon solved anything, but it seems to have worked. Hoseok waits for more appropriate times to tell jokes. Then Yoongi and you sat at the very back next to the door. That usually let Yoongi sleep peacefully without getting caught most of the time.

"Hey's time to wake up." You stretched your arm out to shake him. The redhead groaned, opening his eyes slightly. His dark eyes met yours, doing their best to stay open. His breathing was still slow as he gently pushed himself up.

"Already?" He groaned.

"Yeah, Mr. Kim already handed the review worksheet. He said we can work in groups of four." You smiled as you held up the paper. Yoongi frowned, his eyes traveling over to the front of the class. Hoseok was already laughing with Namjoon smiling next to him. The two of them were slowly making their way over.

"You gotta be kidding me. It's like all of us are friends or something." Yoongi scoffed. Every day, you guys ate lunch together. Whenever there was partner work or if any of you needed help, you turned to one another. You would have assumed that all of you had become friends already.

"God forbid you befriend Hoseok and Namjoon." You rolled your eyes. "But why are you so sleepy?"

"Hoseok is fine. Namjoon can be a bit iffy though," Yoongi immediately retorted. "And it's nothing...just trying to finish producing this song. I'll talk about it more later." The delinquent shut his lips as Namjoon and Hoseok took the two seats next to you guys.

"Group project~!" Hoseok intoned.

"Let's get started. We're aiming for high marks on this quiz." Namjoon clicked his mechanical pencil.

During the time you guys worked on the worksheet, Mr. Kim decided to play some music. He was happily humming along to it while other students ignored it. You didn't mind the song choices. They were the ones that were usually played on the radio. Hoseok had to be reminded multiple times to sit still. He kept wanting to get up and dance. Unfortunately for him, he had to stay glued to his seat. The only people having problems with the songs were Namjoon and Yoongi for some reason. You understood that Yoongi wasn't a fan of bubblegum pop.

Namjoon got annoyed more than you expected. He would try teaching you guys and then make little comments about how the songs were dumb. Yoongi agreed, weirded out that Namjoon and him could agree on something. Hoseok tried telling the boys that the songs weren't so bad. You weren't too picky on your music and practically listened to everything. Despite that, you could still see where Yoongi and Namjoon were coming from. Based off all the songs Yoongi has recommended to you in the past, you knew these songs weren't his thing.

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