Group Visit

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Yesterday wasn't the best introduction of BTS to Yoongi's mom. She didn't know what to think once she saw that three of the members were still in middle school and beating up a group of boys. She didn't really say anything though. She kept a tight smile and repeated that if this was what Yoongi wanted, then she'll let it happen. It was obvious that she wasn't a huge fan of Yoongi participating but couldn't do much about it. A contract was signed and getting him to stop would only cause more problems. In her mind, everything would return back to normal at the end of the month. Just one month of this if the boys continue to pass the rounds.

That only motivated the rest of you to try harder. Something to get Ms. Min to see that this is what Yoongi is meant to do. All of you needed her to do was have faith in you guys. After she dropped you guys off at Namjoon's house, everyone began practicing like no tomorrow. The boys were dancing for hours until their bodies dropped. They pushed themselves to the limit just so their performance would be perfect for the second round. They didn't have months to practice like their first round. Each of the seven members were taking this competition seriously. By the end of the night, the boys were ready to show everyone how it's done during tech rehearsal.

Another school day had to be skipped just to show up. Mom had your back thankfully. She called the school, saying you were sick and couldn't attend. She also went above and beyond to make sure Dad didn't find out. She was keeping your secret for as long as you needed her to. It was the best thing ever. You were picked up by Seokjin who was driving around, picking up all the boys. He already had his nephew, the Kim family, Jimin, and Hoseok. The only person left was Yoongi who lived near the school. When you guys picked him up, Mr. Yoo was busy getting ready to come into school early. Only Ms. Min came out of the house and she watched Yoongi rushed to the cramped car. Not after she demanded a goodbye kiss from him.

Yoongi entered the car, pink as ever. He didn't want to hear any teasing from his friends. Namjoon and Hoseok were holding in their laughter. You thought it was sweet! Even Seokjin was smiling as he drove away. Jimin didn't seem to care and Taehyung was looking out the window. He suddenly appeared a little down, but you didn't think too much of it. It was pretty early in the morning and you knew he would gain more energy as the day went on. The only person who bothered to say anything was Jungkook. He looked at his hyung, commenting that he's close with his mom too. Jungkook was the only person Yoongi allowed to make a comment.

By the time you guys were arriving to the venue, all of you were properly waking up. Seokjin was slowly driving through the parking lot as the zoo did vocal warm ups together. They did tongue twisters and little things to get their voices ready. Seokjin would occasionally join in, but he was more focused on finding a parking spot in the designated area. You had your things prepared for once you guys get out. In your hands was their name tags. Namjoon was carrying the backing track for I Need You. They would rely on harmony vocals, but the boys were going to do it all live.

"Let's finish this tech day!" Seokjin cheered as he finally parked the car. The little zoo was losing it. They couldn't wait to hop out and get back on stage. All their shrieks alarmed the mouse in the driver's seat. Even the fox next to you was left wide eyed and alert.

"Come on, Hyung! Get out so we can sign it!" The puppy was running around. Namjoon sighed, unbuckling himself as fast as he could. The rest of you got out at a slower pace than the zoo would have liked. They were all extremely hyper, bouncing and unable to stay still.

"Now don't waste all your energy out in the parking lot." Hoseok put his hands on his hips. The three boys stopped, staring up at their hyung in admiration. "We have to perfectly let it out during our run through. Not too much and not too little. Think you boys can do that?"

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