How Cute

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Namjoon Bonus Ending

The party was coming to an end. With midnight a couple minutes away, everyone called it a night. Families were tired and ready to go back home. Namjoon and Taehyung thanked everyone, bowing as they left. The only people still at the party was you. Well, your parents were here too, but they wanted to go already. You just couldn't bring yourself to leave. Taehyung fell asleep on the stairs while Namjoon did his best to clean up the state his house was left in. A bunch of dirty napkins, used paper plates, and empty cans of soda were lying around. He was trying to clean it all up by himself even though he was almost falling asleep standing up.

That's why you were still here. To help! Mom held Dad who was yawning and resting against her as she watched you grab a trash bag. Though you felt tempted to just sleep already too, you pushed that exhaustion to the back of your mind. You were good at cleaning and you wanted Namjoon to sleep as soon as he can. It won't be easy fixing this place up by himself. Especially since you know messiness doesn't bother him too much. Namjoon raised a brow once he saw you cleaning up at a faster pace than him. His eyes followed you as you cleaned up the kitchen table in five seconds. What used to be covered in cups and trash was now gone. Namjoon looked up at you, confused on why you were helping him when you could go home.

"(F/n), go rest. I can take care of this." Namjoon lazily motioned the area around him.

"No, let me help. That way this is taken care of faster and you can sleep as soon as I can." You insisted stubbornly. There was no way he was getting you to leave with the place still looking like this. Namjoon chuckled as he shook his head at you. But you were right. The two of you cleaned up a lot faster together. It was done in ten minutes instead of the hour if could have taken. You're pretty quick at cleaning! Even when Namjoon was dozing off, you powered through. Then he would get mad that you didn't snap him out of it. You just thought sleepy Namjoon looked too cute to disturb. He's worked so hard with the contest that he deserves to rest. He can truly take it easy now.

"We're actually done..." Namjoon stared at his clean house in shock.

"Teamwork makes the dream work." You smiled at him. Namjoon grinned back at you, pulling you into a warm hug. He felt like a soft blanket that you wanted to snuggle into. Safe and secure. You did your best not to frown when he pulled away.

"You should get home now. I've made your parents wait long enough." Namjoon bowed at your parents apologetically. Mom only smiled at him while Dad was already sleeping in the car.

"Okay but sleep well and make sure Taehyung gets into his bed. It's not comfortable to be sleeping on the stairs like that." You pointed out.

"You worry too much for us." Namjoon patted your head.

"I worry because I care." You booped his nose. Namjoon's dimples appeared again as he wished you a good night. It almost hurt you that the night had to end so soon.

Namjoon walked over to the staircase. Curled up on the first couple of stairs was Taehyung. That boy could sleep anywhere but that didn't mean he should. The puppy was snoring lightly until Namjoon nudged him with his foot. Taehyung grumbled under his breath to be left alone. He wanted to sleep in and only got nudged again. The puppy whined louder that it was spring break. He was lost in his dream world. Namjoon sighed heavily, crouching down to pick up his little brother with all his strength. You felt happy watching Namjoon carefully bring Taehyung up the stairs to leave him in his bed for proper sleep. Mom wrapped her arm around you as the two of you walked outside to the car. A sigh left your lips and your Mom let out an amused chuckle.

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