The One

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Hyunho Bonus Ending

The party finished with the rappers all acting like a bunch of idiots. There is no reason why a game of uno should have gone so far. It turned into wrestling which you didn't bother stopping. It began with Hoseok taking on Namjoon, Taehyung attacking Seokjin, Junsuh sitting on Jinyo, Jungkook crushing Jimin, and then Jaegyu and Yoongi sitting on the side. Those two were mainly cheering on the violence as always. What else did you expect from them? You judged up until the parents got involved with the chaos. You were not a part of this mess.

Ms. Jeon scolded Seokjin for picking a fight with a thirteen year old. According to her, he seriously needs to start acting his age sooner or later. Has he always behaved like a child? Ms. Min shushed Yoongi and told him to stop telling his friends to fight. Namjoon and Hoseok called it a tie. Jimin ran to his parents with a huge pout. He didn't want to wrestle at all. Jungkook called him a 'weenie' and ran to hide behind his mom. Taehyung was proudly calling himself victorious and challenged Junsuh to a battle. What is that puppy doing? Junsuh got off Jinyo to stand in front of the boy. Namjoon froze in horror at the situation.

"Suck it!" Taehyung kicked Junsuh's shin before trying to tackle the six foot three man who was well built. Junsuh stumbled dramatically backwards, taking Taehyung down with him. "I won! He's down!"

"Ow..." Junsuh stuck out his tongue, pretending to die for the boy.

"Seokjin hyung! This is your warning!" Taehyung threw his fists in the air.

"I need to pass his class, you animal!" Namjoon hissed, picking up the naughty puppy. Seokjin swallowed hard to face Jungkook and his sister. Jungkook wanted to see a fight and while Ms. Jeon kept her eyes on Junsuh. The silent male sat up, grinning at the other two fanboys. He's pretty good with kids.

"Alright, show's over!" Yoongi clapped his hands. He motioned for everyone to clear out. A heavy sigh left him as he walked over to aggressively pinch Taehyung's cheek. "Think twice before you kill my favorite teacher and fanboy."

"Ah! I was just messin' around, Hyung!" Taehyung pouted. "You know I'm a big fan of you too!"

"It really doesn't feel like you were messing around." Hoseok chuckled.

"Please don't actually kill our math teacher." You pleaded. Taehyung pouted as if you just ruined his fun. Namjoon soon let him go since he was getting tired of holding the boy back. The puppy ran over to hug the baby chick, comforting his best friend and muttering a plan to get back at the bunny. Unfortunately for the puppy, his whispering wasn't quiet and the bunny could hear him loud and clear.

The night ended eventful. Not only did BTS win and then not win, there was a lot more wrestling than you had intended. Slowly, people began to leave the party. The first to leave were the fanboys who had work the next morning. The second were you and your family. Though you would have loved to have stayed with your boys, you called it a night. Namjoon thanked you for secretly setting up the party, giving you a warm embrace. Hoseok hugged you tightly before you left. He didn't want you to go. Lastly, Yoongi stood there with his arms open expectantly. You rolled your eyes to hug him too and went off with your family. The three of you entered the car, silent throughout most of the drive.

"...Gum Drop?" Dad called.

"Yeah?" You looked at his reflection in the rear view mirror.

"I saw the three boys, but I know you mentioned four..." Dad was trying to be careful about it. He didn't want to slip and break his promise. You chuckled at his behavior. It's okay. He just made the promise today so you knew he wasn't suddenly going to switch.

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