First Tutoring Session

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School ended and you were trying to figure out how to casually tell Yoongi that you didn't need him to walk you to the bus. Today would be the day that you were going to Namjoon's house for your first tutoring session. It was exciting yet terrifying. A part of you was worrying if you wouldn't understand anything even with his help. That would be so annoying for him. There were other worries, but they all circled around failing math no matter what. Anytime those unnecessary thoughts popped up in your head, you kicked them out as fast as you could.

There was nothing to worry about! All you had to do was pump yourself up. Once you do that, you'll tell Yoongi that you're walking with Namjoon to his house and that'll be it. If he has a problem with it then you'll set him straight. Simple as that. Yoongi was waiting for you outside of your class. It always made you wonder how he got there so fast. Did he sneak out of his last class? The two of you walked down the hall and you were telling him about what happened on the day he was gone. Using that, you were hoping to casually slip in the fact that you wouldn't be going on the bus today.

"I was really nervous to see my test score." You sighed. Yoongi nodded, listening even if he wasn't looking at you. "But I pulled myself together with the help of Hoseok."

"Hoseok?" Yoongi immediately looked over at you. He stopped walking to stare at you in confusion. His reaction didn't surprise you. Anytime Hoseok and you interacted, it never ended well. You were dead set on never becoming his friend and Yoongi knew that. He's heard your complaints in the past. Now things weren't as tense with Hoseok though.

"I know, it's weird." You shrugged. "He just talked to me alone and it actually made me feel a lot better."

"...that's good. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you too." Yoongi stared at the ground as the two of you kept walking down the hall.

"It's all good! Don't worry about it at all." You shook your head. "There's more to it too. I was called to the Principal's office because my counselor is out at the moment and—"

"Principal's office?" Yoongi froze in his spot again. This time his eyes became stone cold.

"Let me finish my story, d*mn it!" You stomped your foot. Something to get rid of the tense air. Yoongi grumbled an apology, letting you continue. He still wasn't happy to hear you were with the principal for whatever reason. "He told me I was failing and that I had until the end of the semester to bring it up. I'm in the clear!"

"...well, I know you can pass. This place would become hell without you." Yoongi groaned at the thought. "I hate this school so much. I don't care if it looks good to colleges. It's always college this and college that. F*ck that sh*t."

"Do you not want to go to college?" You walked to the side of the school gates. Yoongi raised his shoulders up to his ears, only to let them drop.

"I'm not sure...I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. It's not for everyone, that's for sure." Yoongi leaned against the stone wall covered with long green vines. He got comfortable as he looked up to the sky. He did his best to hide the intention in his voice, but you could hear it clear as day. "So...what else did the principal tell you?"

"Uh, nothing." You pursed your lips. His eyes instantly came down to meet yours. He knew right away that you were lying and it was the most frustrating thing in the world. The two of you hang out with each other so much that it's so easy to read one another. You only ignored his look though since you were getting to the point of the story that you wanted to reach. "But yeah! I told myself to quit messing around and to take school seriously. I genuinely want to stay here so I got myself a tutor."

"You got yourself a tutor?" Yoongi somehow managed to make you feel like you were being interrogated. He made you question your true intentions with his tone. Fidgeting in front of him, his eyes narrowed down on you.

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