Three Hyungs

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Yesterday was eventful. You didn't quite know how to put it. Finding Jungkook curled up in a ball was heartbreaking, but he's doing better now. Yoongi protected him and now the bullies won't touch him anymore. Jungkook can go to school without any fear. The little dongsaengs were all grateful towards their hyung. Especially the bunny who stared at Yoongi like he was from a different world. It was still surprising to you how quickly Jungkook warmed up to Yoongi. Not only did he call Yoongi 'hyung', but he added 'nim' to it too. That's quite the honor.

Everyone couldn't get over it, but Yoongi was going on with life as if that never happened. He sat in his desk with his earbuds in. With closed eyes, Yoongi listened to his music without a care. Meanwhile he did that, you stared at him from your desk. Your eyes never left him just like Hoseok. Hoseok was closer to Yoongi, staring at the delinquent right at his desk. Then Namjoon was standing behind Yoongi. He was leaning against the back wall with his arms crossed. All of you stared at Yoongi with an intense gaze that was unwavering. It was enough to make his skin feel like it was on fire from all the unwanted attention. It eventually got to him.

Yoongi gritted his teeth, annoyed that he couldn't listen to his music peacefully. He didn't understand why all of you were staring at him so intently. You guys were also doing it without speaking to him. That immediately got on his nerves. Pausing his music, Yoongi turned over his phone on his desk. You and Hoseok glanced at each other quickly before staring at Yoongi again. The slender boy tore out the earbuds from his ear. The wire swung out, falling onto his desk roughly. Yoongi kept his teeth bared as he stared back at all of you in annoyance. His eyes glaring at each and every one of you with more blazing heat.

"Can all of you f*cking stop?" Yoongi growled.

"Didn't know you would get so bothered," Namjoon retorted.

"What do you guys want?" Yoongi ignored him.

"We're just...staring—"

"—admiring!" Hoseok corrected you.

"Er, exactly!" You agreed, nodding your head to his words. Yoongi rolled his eyes at the nonsense leaving the lips of his friends. It took a lot of energy out of Yoongi not to cuss you guys out. He was doing his best to hold back, but he wasn't quite sure if it was worth his time. Right as Yoongi opened his mouth to say some things, the bell rang. The three of you were saved from his wrath!

Namjoon and Hoseok returned to their seats chuckling. Yoongi remained pissed off but was trying to cool down. Math class would be starting once Mr. Kim gets himself officially sorted at his desk. The rest of you still felt weird seeing him show up at Namjoon's house. It was unexpected to say the least. You're just glad Jungkook is free from the bullies and that you finally got to meet him. He's such a cutie! Then he has a great uncle to look after him and a hard-working mom. Now Jungkook has some great friends around him if you don't say so yourself. Taehyung and Jimin are absolute sweethearts.

"Good morning everyone!" Mr. Kim rubbed his hands on his pants. He tried to act natural, but most of the class witnessed him spill a little coffee onto his hands. That almost cheered Yoongi up a bit while you felt bad. Mr. Kim kept a smile on his face and ignored his red, throbbing hands. "Is everyone doing well?"

Some people in the class collectively answered with monotone voices. Mr. Kim was happy to receive any kind of answer. He nodded, getting ready to finally get the class going. He turned to the board until someone stepped into the classroom. An office T.A. swiftly handed Mr. Kim a paper request and left. The teacher read the note, pacing around the classroom and his smile grew. He lifted his head back up at the class looking radiant as ever. Strands of brown hair falling in front of his face until he brushed them to the side. You didn't even realize the dreamy sigh you let out. You really don't know what's wrong with you. Normally, you're not one to have crushes on teachers. Just on a bunch of cute boys you know you'll never see again or don't have a chance with.

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