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Returning to school wasn't an experience you were entirely prepared for. The boys and you expected to get around the same number of people flooding you guys. Nope. It was a lot worse than you expected. This time people were actually playing DNA through the halls. It didn't feel great though. None of the rappers were holding their heads up and considering this a victory. It's not like everyone was suddenly accepting the boys because they managed to create a catchy song. That just wasn't realistic. Instead, a majority of the students were interested in the fame that the boys had garnered from participating in the contest. It was something that intrigued those who typically made fun of you and your friends. There was still a good majority who didn't care.

It was just harder to remain unnoticed. Even those who didn't care recognized you guys and turned their heads when they saw the four of you walk by. Yoongi told you guys to ignore the people who were rude to you guys since the beginning. Those people were the same ones who were suddenly complimenting the music of BTS and claiming they were fans. Namjoon was annoyed by them the most. Glaring at them until they stuttered out their compliments in front of him. They couldn't even say their lies while staring into his eyes. All they wanted was to get a picture with the boys before they got to be super famous. Some of them wanted to ride off their fame by taking secret photos of the rappers. Something to put on social media for them to get attention. Basically to get people jealous that they're going to school with Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi.

It's a good thing that your rappers weren't putting up with it. They had to remain respectful though. It's not like they could suddenly snap at their classmates. It wasn't easy like that anymore. Yoongi couldn't shove them away anymore. Namjoon couldn't use his authority too much to get them to leave. Hoseok had to stay smiling even when he heard things he didn't like. The three of them were in the spotlight now. If they got a bad rumor attached onto them, it could ruin a lot of things. Especially if it was based off facts. That was the harsh reality of the situation. BTS had to be careful now that they were slowly reaching celebrity status. Seokjin also had to tell the boys that he couldn't get too involved. A student already filed a complaint of favoritism against him. His hands were tied and Principal Yoo couldn't do much. All he said was for you guys to act responsibly and make it through one more week of school.

It wasn't going to be easy. Yoongi's patience was running extremely thin. Every day he admitted how much he wanted to punch people in the face. Namjoon was sort of beginning to feel that. He couldn't stand how many people were asking him to rap. Out of all the boys, Namjoon received the most frustrating behavior from others. Some students questioning if he should be the face of the school or not. Student assuming since he raps that he can't have the best grades after all. He must have cheated or something in their eyes. They're clearly idiots. It all gets under Namjoon's skin due to the fact that he used to obsess over school so much and let it take over him.

"The amount of people who don't know how to whisper makes me want to rip my hair out." Namjoon sighed, his grip tightening on his backpack strap.

"The amount of people who don't know how to keep their mouth shut makes me want to rip my hair out," Yoongi grumbled. The four of you were walking down the halls together. The bell rang earlier so everyone was rushing to the cafeteria for lunch. All of you knew better than to head to the cafeteria. That place will only get you guys mobbed. That's why you make lunches for you and the boys. They don't have to enter the lunch line that way. The four of you just made sure to eat outside. Just to an area without any windows for people to take a sneak peek of the next dance the boys will be performing. If they want to see Fake Love then they'll have to wait for Saturday to see the live recording.

"Let's all just take in a deep breath." Hoseok smiled at them. A large part of you felt bad for the popular boy. Everyone knew him as the positive one. The one who always smiled and helped lift the others up. It must be getting tiring for him. He's only human after all. "It's only Tuesday! We got this! And guess what? After Friday, we don't have to come back here for an entire week! Spring break, guys!!"

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