Mini Concert

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Until the auditions come, all of you will be working harder than ever before. Seokjin is officially a member of BTS whether he likes or not too. Though he was sulking during the entire car ride after signing up, he's done pretty well with keeping up with practice. He works hard during the dance rehearsals and his singing is always so magical. He's perfect for the team. You're so happy that you get to sit back and watch them grow from their hard work. Hoseok was back to dancing on his feet. He marked some of the hard moves, but he was glad to be back on track. Yoongi had Seokjin record his voice to all the songs they were planning on doing for the mini concert and for the contest. Namjoon and you were organizing everything together.

The mini concert was for everyone in BTS to finally perform together. It was for people at Midnight Measure to get a taste of them. A lot of the voting for the contest will be by viewers. This was one way of getting their attention. The purpose of the mini concert was also for people to see their teamwork. Not just between all of them, but with the rappers, the vocals, and other subunits. Namjoon was going to perform a song with Taehyung. Hoseok and Jimin were going to do a dance together. Lastly, Yoongi wrote a rap with Seokjin's voice in mind for singing as well as Jungkook's. At the end of the concert, all seven of them would perform together as BTS. It was so exciting.

You sat in the kitchen, sending an email to Midnight Measure. While you worked in the comfort of Namjoon's home, the rappers were outside warming up for dance rehearsal. The only vocal currently with them was Seokjin. He arrived early and without Jungkook. Yoongi quickly questioned that. Apparently, Jungkook had a sleepover at Jimin's place and Namjoon nodded. Taehyung was at that sleepover too. They should be coming over any second now. The door was left unlocked for them after all. And just as you thought about them, you heard the front door slam open.

"I'M HERE!!" Taehyung giggled. He's quickly embraced his deep voice. It was adorable to you. Standing up from the table, you walked over to the door frame to say hi to the kids.

"Hey—oh my God!" Your heart almost stopped beating. The second you screamed, the rappers came running inside. Seokjin ran in too, worried that something wrong had happened.

"(F/n)!? What's wrong!?" Namjoon looked you over.

"Is it a spider? Life threatening?? Talk to me!" Hoseok pleaded.

"Do you need me to call your parents?" Seokjin suggested.

"Holy sh*t." Yoongi laughed. The three males knitted their brows at Yoongi's opposite reaction. You slowly pointed at the sight that made you scream. You didn't mean to have such a reaction. It just took you by surprise is all. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Seokjin turn their heads to look at the three grinning boys. Their hearts stopped at the sight. Seokjin and Namjoon looked like they were going to faint the most.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung played with his blue hair.

"I like mine." Jimin stroked his pink hair.

"I only gave myself blonde highlights." Jungkook shrugged.

"Your Eomma is going to kill me!" Seokjin shrieked. He ran over to Jungkook and kept looking over his nephew's hair. Jungkook's original dark brown hair now looked like a sandy blonde. It was obvious that he had something done to it. Seokjin swallowed hard, praying that his older sister wouldn't throw him into outer space.

"She can't kill you if it looks good." Jungkook tapped his head as if he was a genius. Seokjin's soul had officially left his body.

"Kim Taehyung!!" Namjoon shouted.

"Looking nice, boys. A dye job always completes the look. Am I right?" Yoongi strutted over to them with his red dyed hair. Namjoon gave Yoongi a dirty look, not enjoying this bad influence. Hoseok carefully walked over to the pink baby chick. You eventually calmed down from the shock. The more you looked at the three boys, the more you liked how it looked. Their new hair fit them really well. You walked over to them, noticing that Jimin was holding a bag.

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