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Everyone was begging for mercy at this point. You felt like this was a cruel and unusual punishment given to you and the rest of the kids. Seokjin was the eldest who considered you and your friends children along with the zoo. The main reason you were going crazy was because you wanted to focus on the contest. Days have passed and it was now Thursday. The date of the contest was extremely close now. It was literally this Saturday and all of you were a bundle of nerves! There were so many things to get done yet Seokjin decided to be mean! He brought all of you to Namjoon's house and finally abused his powers as the eldest and as a teacher.

Practice had now turned into an extreme study session. You had no idea why Seokjin was doing this. Well, actually you did. Yesterday and today were filled with long hours of testing in each of your classes. The scores each student got counted for this thing or whatever. It's basically just meant to make the school look good. You were just tired and glad that tomorrow was the last testing day. After that, all of you could worry about the contest instead! That sounded like a much better use of time to you! But Seokjin insisted that he needed all of you to do well. Including the little zoo who were having their own midterms of the second semester.

Was reviewing in class not enough? You tried not to bang your head against the table. This was awful. Seokjin had his students at the kitchen table and taught as if Namjoon's kitchen was his classroom. The preteens were in the entry room near the stairs. They were told to help each other study. Seokjin was going to check in on them every now and then. Also, if they needed help then he would happily help them. That didn't mean they were happy with the sudden change in plans. While they begrudgingly studied, you looked at your friends. Yoongi wanted to leave and Hoseok was getting distracted. Namjoon was the only one keeping up with Seokjin, but even he was over the studying.

"This really isn't necessary, you know? I could always tutor—" Namjoon began only to receive a strong glare from Seokjin.

"No! You were their tutor and now you barely teach them anything unless they ask for help!" Seokjin huffed. "I'm going to teach now!"

"I hate this!" Hoseok whined. "Why can't you leave us alone!?"

"Because I want to be able to do the contest without any worries!" Seokjin clutched his chest. "I told you guys from the start! Do the contest but find a balance and don't let your grades suffer!"

"Why do you have to be a teacher?" Yoongi groaned.

"Trust me, Mr. Kim! I'm studying on my own." You smiled as the purple hair's face grew pink. He cleared his throat, realizing he was getting too into his teacher role. With the way he was acting, you called him Mr. Kim without thinking. "...Seokjin?"

"Ew, that feels weird right now." Hoseok shivered. "He's Mr. Kim right now."

"Technically the same thing." Namjoon shrugged.

"Mr. Kim, you need to give us a breather. How about an hour break?" Yoongi grinned while Seokjin frowned. "I could really use a nap right now."

"...all of you will study and listen to me teach. This is all for your own good," Seokjin spoke in a low voice. Yoongi stopped acting as laid back. Hoseok and Namjoon shared a glance, both telling each other to deal with it in order to survive. Holding back the urge to sigh, you let Seokjin continue teaching without making a single complaint. There were so many complaints in your head though!

It's been a long time since you've been properly tutored after school. You forgot what it felt like. Learning after school only made it feel like the school day dragged on longer. It didn't help that Seokjin was here to do the teaching. It was really fun when Namjoon taught you guys. Sure, it was easier to get distracted, but you liked the way Namjoon taught. He was very detailed and made sure you understood before moving on. It really helped you when you were behind in Seokjin's class. Plus, you personally felt a lot more comfortable asking Namjoon questions. Even if you felt dumb, he would always give you your favorite dimpled smile and assured you that you weren't dumb.

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