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Yoongi was looking better today. He still yawned a ton. That made you wonder if he really got all the sleep he needed. He came into Mr. Kim's class looking pale, but healthy. Yoongi had to talk to Mr. Kim before class started. He wanted to know what he missed yesterday. You tried telling him, but Yoongi only got more lost. He was also extremely confused on how you understood the lesson. Usually, you're on the verge of a breakdown every class. You got lucky yesterday and that's all Yoongi needs to know. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

Mr. Kim happily spoke to Yoongi until Namjoon went up to them. From the back of the room, you tried not to freak out. Was a fight about to go down? Yoongi held back a scowl and Namjoon stared at Yoongi coldly. This was so intense. The class president handed Yoongi the notes he missed, the worksheet, and other things. Though the two clearly didn't like each other, Namjoon was doing his job well. Yoongi couldn't hate him for being helpful. Mr. Kim then ushered both boys to their desks as class would be starting soon. Yoongi held the papers tightly, walking over to his desk next to yours.

"Can you believe him?" Yoongi scoffed. "The audacity..."

"How dare Namjoon takes notes for you and try to help you get caught up with class work?" You crossed your arms. Yoongi immediately glared at you for that comment.

"Barely helped. I mean, the notes sort of help but...I practically have to teach it to myself." Yoongi dropped it on his desk. He groaned, running a hand through his red wine hair.

"It was still thoughtful of Namjoon." You shrugged.

"He's only doing this 'cause he's the president. It's not like he's doing this out of the kindness of his heart." Yoongi looked over at Namjoon. He was sitting in his desk, slowly waving back to Hoseok who excitedly waved at him. "He's too smart. When people are too smart, they become cold."

"You really think that?" You frowned.

"I do. I don't trust Kim Namjoon..." Yoongi sighed. "There's just something about him that I don't trust."

"You and him are like polar opposites." You rested your head on your desk.

"We are. He's class president. Little teacher's pet." Yoongi's voice grew dark. "And I'm nothing but trouble. Delinquent. Kim Namjoon and I will never get along in any universe."

"If you say so..." You dragged your finger along your desk in boredom. Yoongi kicked up his legs on his desk to prepare for his daily nap.

Mr. Kim stood up, clapping his hands as the bell rang. Everyone straightened their posture in their seat. Most students anyway. Yoongi and you never did. Then Hoseok could never sit still. He always tapped his foot, moving around any way he could. One girl whispered at him to stop. Mr. Kim wanted to go over the worksheet you guys did yesterday. Everyone pulled the paper out while Yoongi looked at his things in confusion. He eventually found the worksheet in the papers Namjoon gave him. Yoongi raised a brow at you to confirm if it was the one. He gave you a gummy smile when you nodded. As you pulled out a correcting pen, you caught him yawning.


"You're yawning...did you really sleep last night?" You whispered. Mr. Kim had gone up to the whiteboard, going over the first problem. Yoongi definitely heard you. No one else in the room was talking. He's hiding something for sure. "Min Yoongi."

"I slept, now shush. I'm learning." Yoongi pressed his red pen to his lips to make you quiet. You didn't really buy it.

Yoongi followed along with Mr. Kim's corrections for the entire period. Though he was clearly confused at some parts, he didn't ask you anything. You made small attempts to get him to talk to you. No matter how much you whispered or tried to kick his leg, he wasn't budging. Mainly because he knew you were still stuck on him not sleeping well. You knew for a fact that he didn't. Yoongi tried making his yawns quiet. His head would fall down, waking him up immediately. Then there were times Yoongi would close his eyes for a minute before jumping awake. His lack of sleep wasn't healthy and it was really starting to worry you.

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