Second Round

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Saturday came and the boys were ready for the second round of the contest. Their outfits were packed up in Seokjin's trunk. They were going to be wearing simple outfits this time. It kept the same color scheme as the first round which was black and white. The main reason you wanted to stick to the lack of color was because you wanted to go all out for the third round. You were extremely confident the boys would pass the second round. They passed the first round in the middle rank, but you knew this song would bring them to a higher rank. Five groups would be getting eliminated today and you knew it wasn't going to be yours.

There was another sleepover at Namjoon's house. This time it wasn't as chaotic as last time. Rules were set up and the boys easily fell asleep this time anyway. They were tired out from rehearsing for hours after the hospital visit. They also all knew what it felt like to perform on stage. Though some of them were craving the feeling again, that didn't stop them from instantly crashing out on Namjoon's living room floor. You fell asleep easily yourself with a slightly cleaner conscious. Mom knew who you were with while Dad still believed your friends were all girls. It makes you wonder when he'll find out the truth. Either way, Mom told you that she was going to watch the contest as she cooks. She already promised to vote for BTS so you were super happy about that.

At least you knew you had one other vote going to BTS. Though Hoseok was telling everyone at school for the past week to support his group, to watch the show, and doubt they will. They'll either ignore him or watch the show for laughs. Hopefully they'll be left impressed with what your boys are able to do. You just don't want your classmates voting for other groups just to be rude. That's your worst nightmare and the main reason you woke up earlier than intended. It was on your mind a bit. You ended up anxiously making seven lunches for the boys. That got your mind to focus on something else which helped a lot.

The alarm clock eventually rang. Without wasting time, the boys jumped onto their feet to get ready. Though it was the early morning and many of them were still groggy, they pushed through. They needed to be ready to beat the second round. Last time the boys ranked seventh out of the sixteen that passed. D-Crunch ranked fifth so you needed your boys to do a little better. Get higher in the ranks and preferably pass D-Crunch. They are rivals after all. After they pass D-Crunch, you want them to rank first. The group that got first had a catchy song and good looking members. You'll give them that, but their vocals were a bit unstable live. Their singing was strained and sometimes their synchronization could be better. But that's just you and you're completely biased for BTS.

On the way over to the venue, the rappers were looking over the performance of the group that had ranked first. They stayed polite, but some of their critiques did point out some of the things you thought yourself. Even if they won the first rank, you doubt they would be able to stay first. The boys shook out their nerves and stopped watching the videos of other groups. It only made them nervous, but you knew they had this in the bag. Something about I Need You felt so powerful. Though the lyrics sounded like they were speaking about a girl, you could see the intention with the boys. They need the fans, their views, their votes.

"You boys got this!" You shouted. You didn't want any of them feeling nervous or anxious. There was no time to have such feelings. Even if they were inevitable, you hoped the good and positive feelings would overpower those pesky ones.

"I'm the only man here." Seokjin sighed as he parked the car.

"Barely." Jungkook grinned.

"Kookie! I swear!" Seokjin almost jumped out of his seat. The only thing holding him back was his seat belt. Jungkook giggled, clinging onto Yoongi for safety.

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