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Midnight? That was bothering the hell out of you. He was going to pick you up at midnight? That meant he was going to have to sneak you out. There's no way your parents would let you leave the house at that time. There's just no way. It made you so nervous that you could barely eat dinner. It got your Mom to worry, but you told her you weren't feeling too hungry. They were oblivious as to what was making you so nervous. Yoongi wanted your address so you texted it to him. Were you really doing this? You had no idea what Yoongi could be getting you into.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mom raised her brows. She held her glass of wine close to her lips but wasn't taking a sip. She eyed you carefully which managed to make you tense up. Mom always seemed to know everything. She magically knew what you were thinking all the time or at least had a good feeling of what it could be.

"Er, yeah. I ate something during lunch and it just spoiled my hunger..." You shrugged. You had your phone in your lap, opened to a chat with Yoongi. As secretly as you could, you tried slipping it into your pocket under the table.

"That's no good. For a school like that, you'd think they'd have good food." Dad sighed.

"Cha (F/n)." Mom set down her glass of wine. Oh no. You're in trouble. You're so dead! "Who have you been texting?"

"W-What?" Your words fumbled out. Already, you felt like an idiot. Now you definitely look guilty. It was so obvious!

"Is it a boy?" Mom leaned in, growing intrigued. The second 'boy' left her mouth, Dad began choking on his food. This always happens and you wish it would stop. Mom wants you to date, but Dad always had the same reaction that you dreaded dealing with every time.

"B-Boy?" Dad whimpered. Mom rolled her eyes while you witnessed your father have his own monologue that he always has with himself. "Is it that time already? I guess now that you're in high school that getting a boyfriend becomes normal. A-And it's not like I can tell you to focus on your grades when you go to such a prestigious academy. Ugh...my princess is going to get charmed by some prince. He's going to take you away from me and you won't need your Appa anymore. You'll just need your handsome prince and that's it. But I guess that's how life goes!" Appa covered his mouth, trying to swallow the lump his throat. He got so emotional early on. You were expecting it to be longer this time.

"I was only teasing, Jagiya." Mom hugged him. Dad was close to crying as he told his wife that her joke wasn't funny.

"Appa...really, I'm not texting a boy. I don't have any male friends I'm close to enough to text," You lied straight through your teeth. And thus, you dug yourself a hole. Mom pouted at that news. She really wanted you to be open to dating. Mainly because she used to be back when she was younger and was really popular with the boys. Then she latched onto the prude and married him. That's how you were born.

"O-Oh! See, Noona! She's still young and needs me." Dad put his hands on his chest. He looked so happy and you didn't have the heart to take back what you said. His bubbly attitude even had Mom melting.

"I see that." Mom kissed his cheek.

"Um, can I go to my room?" You stood up.

"Sure, Sweetie." Mom nodded. You cleaned up the plate yourself and ran up to your room. Mom was beginning to kiss Dad nonstop, flustering him and you didn't want to stay down there any longer. Closing the door behind you, you sighed to be in the safety of your room.

All you had to do first was waste time until it was midnight. There was also a test tomorrow at school which you needed to study for. You made a couple attempts to study for it, but the whole midnight thing was throwing you off. It was almost impossible to focus. The only thing left to do was to sleep until it was time. Waiting for Yoongi felt like torture. Sleeping was the only way to make things go faster. It was so hard to fall asleep though. You tossed and turned in your bed for an hour before you finally played some music. That got your nerves to calm down. Your eyes began to grow heavy and you knocked out.

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