Practicing Again

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Saturday was the best day ever. Your friends teased you so much for crying, but it's not like they didn't feel emotional too! Everyone was riding on a high wave of emotions. You didn't know what was going to happen next, but the boys wanted to take on the world. They already had their next song ready and knew the choreography. All they have to do is clean it up and make the performance tight like what they did with Boy In Luv. I Need You was a different vibe that you knew a lot of viewers would enjoy. The dance is fun and the song is very catchy. You're already thinking of what to make them wear for their performance!

Before you guys were able to leave the venue, a staff member came with a camera and a flash card. They were going to record short videos of the people who got to go to the second round. These videos would be posted online for viewers to see. It might leave a better impression on people if they see how likeable your boys are. Namjoon huddled all his members together as they introduced themselves and answered how they felt about winning. All of them worded their emotions so perfectly. Even if they were speechless, they were genuine in front of the camera. Staff thanked them, congratulated everyone, and wished you all a good night.

It was an amazing night. Seokjin dropped you off at your place as he took everyone home. Your mind was still fuzzy and all over the place. The second you opened the door, your Dad popped his head out from the kitchen. He rushed to you in an instant out of worry. You had been gone for two entire days because of the sleepover. Hugging him back, you let him know you were fine. Meanwhile behind his back was Mom who was smiling at you. She handled most of the worries Dad must have had while you were gone. As Dad told you about how much he missed his little girl, he soon asked you how it went with the other ladies. Ladies. Right.

"I'm really happy with who my friends are, Appa." You smiled. "I feel like I'm actually happy with my school and friends for once if I'm being honest."

"Really? I'm so glad then." Dad continued to hug you, letting out a sigh of relief. Mom at this point was walking away to enter the kitchen. Dad turned to hear her in the room. You giggled, letting him run off to find her.

"Go be love birds!" You teased.

Dad gave you a little smile that was an attempt to hide just how embarrassed he was. He rushed off to catch his wife, still deep in love as ever. You giggled and returned to your bedroom. After everything that has happened, you're ready to fall asleep. Everything was fine that night. Everyone was able to get back home safely and fall asleep without issues. You had no doubt that they all fell asleep like babies. They advanced to the second level. Joy was still in you as you snuggled yourself in your blankets. Soon you fell asleep and eventually woke up to your phone getting a lot of text messages. What's going on this time?

Grabbing your phone, you picked it up to check the time. It was eight in the morning so it was still kind of early. You slowly sat up in your bed to properly wake yourself up. Rubbing your eyes, you read the texts that were flooding the group chat. It was started by the little zoo celebrating their win. They couldn't believe that last night actually happened. They were posting a ton of articles that were made about the contest. A lot of people were thinking that the concept of this competition was interesting. Genuine talent was being found. Many people and even entertainment companies were impressed with what they saw.

Jimin was losing it when he found an article saying that a major company teamed up with the host company, Soar Entertainment. This only raised the chance of still getting to enter as a trainee even if the boys don't win it all. Scrolling down through your messages, you soon found the other boys joining into the conversation. Namjoon wanted everyone over by ten or eleven in the morning if possible. He wanted them to start practicing the stage for I Need You already. All the boys had to go over their parts and the choreography. You immediately sent them a text that you would be over as quick as you can. The boys should take advantage of this entirely free day. Once school starts tomorrow, a lot of hours will be taken from you guys.

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