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Though making a friend was hard at first, you managed to do it in a single day. You're honestly quite proud of yourself. It's extreme improvement and you already feel happier being friends with Yoongi. He has no interest in being popular, going to dumb parties, and sucking up to others. Min Yoongi is as real as it gets. Being friends with Yoongi has made the first month of school pass by a lot faster. Suddenly all students at Sehwang became tolerable. As long as you have Yoongi by your side then you'll be sane. Together the two of you have music.

Right away, you learned that Yoongi loved music with a deep passion. He's been into it since the beginning of middle school. Yoongi always has new songs for you to listen to. You'll be sleeping when he floods your phone with texts. It's one in the morning but he tells you about these important songs. Shouldn't he be sleeping? At the same time, you sent him many of your playlists. The difference was that you gave it to him at regular times. You had some form of restraint compared to Yoongi who breathed music.

Most of your playlists did set the mood. But there were some that needed some explaining. There were some titled after your favorite movies. Some after a character in a book or a certain location. Based off those things, you found songs that you would attach to them. You would create your own soundtrack for a movie. A character's list of theme songs. Background music for some of your favorite places. It was just something you loved to do for fun. It's not like you did anything else. Yoongi thought that was really interesting which was a lot better than pointless. That's what your old friends thought anyway.

Yoongi would also send you random texts during his piano lessons. It was really cool that he could play an instrument. The most Yoongi said on that topic was that it was nice to read music notes. There was more to it, but Yoongi didn't say. Though you were friends with Yoongi, you would argue that you still aren't super close. He's secretive and tends to evade answering some of your questions. One of your biggest questions was why he skips lunch. He spends money going on the bus when he can buy himself a perfectly good lunch.

"Eat." You delicately slammed a small box on Yoongi's desk. He stared at it with an addled expression. His brows raised when he looked up to you.

"What is this?" He took out his earphones. The two of you were in Mr. Kim's class and there was only two minutes of class left. Mr. Kim tries to be a fun teacher. To get students to like him, he makes sure the last five minutes of class are always free. You have no problem liking him. Mr. Kim didn't have to try too hard to get the female students to like him. It was only the male students that were a bit harder to coerce.

"I made you a little lunch since you never eat lunch. I don't like that." You brought it closer to him. "You should take care of yourself."

"I do..." Yoongi stared at the box quietly. He grabbed the box, the object looking tiny in his large hands. His slender fingers opened the box to see meat with rice. A gentle smile came across his face. He then closed the lid on it again. He sighed when he looked up to see you chewing your lip nervously. "Thank you. It wasn't necessary of you to make me this."

"Well, you never eat lunch." You took your seat next to him. "Why?"

"I eat a big breakfast. I just don't feel hungry when lunch comes by." Yoongi shrugged.

"Bullsh*t." You huffed. The red head sighed through his nose. He knew you were going to keep pestering him about this. You've been doing so for the entire month.

"I just don't like the faculty here. Alright? I want to avoid any staff," Yoongi grumbled. "They're a pain in the @ss."

"...really?" This answer came across as more sincere. He just wasn't telling the full truth. You weren't going to budge any further. This was the most progress you've gotten. Getting the honest reason might take a couple more months.

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