Dancing Side of Life

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"It's so cold!" Hoseok shivered. He wore a heavy black jacket, gloves, and even a beanie. He had the most clothing compared to everyone else. Yoongi rolled his eyes since he was used to the cold. Namjoon had no problem with it and you learned to adjust to it. The four of you were standing outside of Midnight Measure together. Not once did you believe that this would ever happen.

The four of you ended up sleeping over at Namjoon's house. The children were excited by that and Jungkook immediately called Mr. Kim for permission to sleepover. Jimin called his own parents to do the same. It ended up feeling like a huge party. The younger boys eventually tuckered themselves out. The original plan was for all of you to sleep yourselves. That clearly didn't end up happening. Namjoon saw the clock reach midnight and Yoongi was up. They couldn't sleep out of pure habit. The worst part was that you were getting used to that too. You sighed as the boys decided to go to Midnight Measure. They got ready while you quietly woke up Hoseok.

Hoseok was completely out of it. He thought he was dreaming when he woke up. You had to deal with a sleepy Hoseok but throwing water in his face got him up. He didn't really like that though. He's fine. Namjoon let him borrow some of the warm layers he currently has on. Anyway, the four of you quietly snuck out the house to come to Midnight Measure. None of you wanted to wake up the children and have them accidentally get involved. Namjoon admitted that Taehyung only knew about him writing and producing music. Taehyung was completely oblivious to his older brother sneaking out in the middle of the night. Locking the door, Namjoon promised you guys would be back before four in the morning. Enough to get some sleep and before any of them wake up.

Now the four of you were finally at Midnight Measure. Yoongi was ready to enter already, but Namjoon wanted to prepare Hoseok for what he was about to witness. It made the golden boy paranoid that he was entering something illegal. Definitely not that. You laughed, seeing as Hoseok had trouble staying still in the cold air. It was also lightly snowing so you couldn't blame him. You'd much rather be inside as well. Hoseok was doing his best to listen to Namjoon, but he kept whining about the cold. His interruptions were only making things longer. It was driving Yoongi crazy at this point.

"He needs no introduction. Just let everything hit him like a bus!" Yoongi started dragging the dancer down the steps.

"I just wanted to give him a heads up!" Namjoon quickly followed.

"Is it warm inside?" Hoseok's tone became panicked.

"Very!" You chimed.

Hoseok whimpered as he was shoved in the underground building. It was filled with a lot of intimidating faces. They were a lot less friendly than the people he met dancing in the streets. He scrunched his head into his coat like a turtle. Maybe he should have taken Namjoon's introduction a lot more seriously. You followed Hoseok, knowing exactly what he must have been feeling. You were put through the same thing when you first came with Yoongi. This place is mainly terrifying when you're left alone. You're sure Hoseok would handle being alone here a lot better than you. Maybe.

Yoongi continued to shove Hoseok towards a counter. Namjoon and you caught up, feeling a little bad towards the scared boy. Hoseok caught himself with his hands so he wouldn't bump into the counter. He whined as he was shoved onto a stool by Namjoon. He couldn't understand why he was getting thrown around like this. You took the stool next to him in hopes of giving him some comfort. Unlike Namjoon and Yoongi, you weren't a rapper. Hoseok could actually see himself in your shoes. He would eventually get used to a place like this.

"N-Now what?" Hoseok kept to himself on his stool. It surprised you to see him like this. He was usually so outgoing and forward. He was no longer in his comfort zone, instantly trying to shrink himself at his new surroundings. It was a new experience.

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