Strange Feeling

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Mom has always had your back. Once you told her about the barbeque happening at Yoongi's house, she offered to drive you. She was going to keep your location secret and lied to Dad. You told Mom first about the barbeque. You were planning to tell Dad after, but Mom wouldn't let you for some reason. She was really adamant about you not saying a thing to him. All she said was that she was going to take care of things with your father. Being curious with your mysterious mother, you followed her as she entered the home office Dad has. Dad was just checking through his emails when Mom came inside, casual as ever.

It felt like you were watching her steal a prized jewel in front of Dad and he thought nothing of it. Mom started talking to Dad before bringing up that the two of you were going to have a girl's day tomorrow. Just for you two ladies and that he's not allowed to interrupt whatsoever. Dad was pouty, but he thought it would be good for the both of you. Just as Mom was getting ready to leave his office, Dad admitted that he was getting worried for you. It felt like you were always hanging out with your friends that he's never met. It was starting to make him curious and worried. Why hasn't he met them yet? Mom only shrugged, telling him that you were fine.

"Well, I'm just glad she's not hanging out with them today then. If she were then I would finally like to meet them on my day off work!" Dad tried to act stern.

"Don't embarrass her." Mom shook her head. Dad blushed right away, turning into an obedient puddle for mother.

"You're right. Sorry, Noona." Dad chuckled bashfully.

"So cute." Mom giggled. "Bye, love you!" She turned around as she left his office. Right away, she found you hiding in the hallway. How did she know you were there so quickly? Mom smirked, letting you know that your secret was safe with her. D*mn. She really did protect you right there. The thought of Dad dropping you off at Yoongi's house terrified you. The only other female there would be Ms. Min!

The next day, Mom made it clear to Dad that he was not allowed to interrupt or else he would be sleeping outside. That was just an empty threat, but he took it very seriously. Dad promised he would let you ladies have fun without him bothering you guys. Mom and you dressed fairly nice for today. She wasn't going to be attending the barbeque with you though. After she drops you off, she's going to take that spa day for herself. Once you found out that she was going to do that, you whined on why she couldn't take you on another day. Then Mom being Mom told you that keeping your secret has been a lot on her shoulders and you know d*mn well that it was the least of her problems.

Dad excitedly waved at you guys. He was more excited than you and Mom. He soon closed the front door to give you guys privacy. Mom and you sat in her car quietly. As she put in the address on her phone, you heard her humming a familiar tune. You smiled instantly to know that she truly watched the competition on TV. You began to hum I Need You with her and she looked up in surprise. She hadn't realized she had been humming it in the first place. She quickly laughed as she attached the phone to her car. You being you, you weren't going to let this go unnoticed. Mom put on her seatbelt and you put your own on with a huge grin.

"What is it?" She sighed as she reversed out of the driveway.

"So you do like BTS?" You bounced in your seat. Mom put the car in drive, slowly leaving your street.

"I think your friends are very talented. Do the ones in your year catch your eye at all?" She smirked. You rolled your eyes right away. Of course, Mom would bring the conversation here. It happens every single time. "I'm just asking because once the boys win the contest, you have to kiss one!"

"Kiss!? Eomma! You're crazy!" You felt your skin grow hot.

"Not crazy at all. I'm sure those three rappers are already making bets on who's going to get that kiss." Mom laughed. "Or you could kiss al—"

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