Third Round

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The boys practiced DNA practically a hundred times during the sleepover. All of them needed it to be perfect which was understandable. A week to make a well done performance is almost impossible, but yours boys were doing it. BTS was going to mean something. You could tell in the way they sang and rapped. Their dances moves were done full out, sharp and textured with high energy. No one was a weak link to the team. All of them added their own unique charm and it was hard to get enough of their performances. Eventually the boys naturally tired themselves out and the sun was beginning to set over the neighborhood.

Everyone came back inside, rushing to the kitchen for drinks of water. You winced at the sight of the table. All of you had eaten and left your trash everywhere. Namjoon told you not to worry about it, but it was getting to you. The strong urge to clean up was coming out and you could see Hoseok twitching at the sight. He muttered that no one could live like this and pulled out a trash bag. Yes! You quickly helped him, not wanting to live with garbage lying around for another second. Namjoon was confused as he saw you two working together. In seconds, the kitchen table was cleared and Hoseok took the trash bag outside. It was beautiful. This is how it should be.

Namjoon only sighed and thanked you guys. He did mutter things about him planning on taking care of it later, but the idea made you scream. He was going to ignore it for tonight and you guys will be at the contest venue from early morning to late at night tomorrow. You felt lightheaded and Hoseok was in the same boat. He cringed, close to falling over. Taehyung laughed and thought you guys were joking around. Things would have a been a lot different if you two were joking around. Anyway, you had the sleeping bags set up in the living room and you just needed them to fall asleep for tomorrow. They have a big day ahead of them. They need to give the third round everything they got!

"Sleep tight, Boys!" You set up the alarm on your phone.

"I don't want to go to bed yet!" Taehyung rushed to turn on the television. A sigh left your lips at the fight he was putting up. Not today, Puppy.

"Tae, please. You guys need to be ready to have energy for an entire day." You pointed out. "You know it's not easy."

"Let's just watch one movie! Please!" Taehyung was already grabbing the tv remote. The puppy was scrambling around, finding a channel to stay on. Marching over to him, you eyed him down for intimidation. "It's only eight! We can't sleep right now!"

"Kim Taehyung, don't make me get your older brother." You put your hands on your hips.

"But Eomma—!" Taehyung immediately gasped. He covered his mouth, shocked at what left his lips. You felt your heart jump at that. Did he just call you 'Mom'? It was slightly embarrassing for you. For Taehyung, it was the worst thing in the world to him. He corrected himself and was a stuttering mess. "N-Noona! I m-meant Noona!"

"That's f*cking rough." Seokjin laughed. The two of you turned to see him already seated on the couch. "I came to watch a movie."

"Hyung, get lost!" Taehyung kicked his leg.

"Yah! Do you want to get smothered by a pillow!?" Seokjin grabbed the closest one near him.

"You know what will happen if you challenge me with pillows!" Taehyung threatened. The older man swallowed hard, putting down his weapon. You shook your head and soon noticed a crowd of people standing at the entrance of the living room. They stared at you and Taehyung, biting back on what they wanted to say.

"What?" You scoffed.

"Taehyung didn't mean it." Namjoon gave you a weak smile.

"It's not that you're old—" Yoongi started.

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