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Namjoon texted that he was on his way home. The meet had just finished at school. During all that time that he's been spending over there, the four of you have been spending time with the puppy and baby chick. It's been really interesting seeing the high schoolers and middle schoolers interact without Namjoon telling Taehyung to leave them alone. Taehyung did most of the talking, but he was helping Jimin get used to their two new hyungs. Yoongi didn't talk much but he was smiling. Hoseok was excitedly showing Taehyung certain dance moves.

It was entertaining to watch Hoseok showing a little bit of what he was capable of. Yoongi and you were impressed. Not as much as Jimin was. The boy's eyes were sparkling at the control Hoseok had over his own body. Taehyung was giggling and trying to copy every move without much effort. It was all for fun to the little puppy. The baby chick was subtly trying to follow along and caught the attention of Hoseok. Right away, the popular male grew excited at Jimin's interest in dancing like him.

"Park Jimin! Look at you!!" Hoseok cheered. The baby chick flinched at his loud tone but smiled anyway. He was embarrassed, staring down at his feet. "Show me what you got!"

"Yeah! Show him, Jimin! Jimin is a really good dancer!" Taehyung ran to tell Yoongi.

"Oh really?" Yoongi amused the boy. Taehyung nodded, making sure everyone focused.

Hoseok put on some music for Jimin to freestyle with. Hoseok and Taehyung didn't stop cheering for the small boy. Yoongi did some light cheering and you joined in. At first, you thought it would only make Jimin more embarrassed. It ended up having the opposite effect. All the positive cheers built confidence in Jimin. His body was stiff at first, but it wasn't long before he was able to dance freely. The only difference with Jimin's dancing was that most of his moves were graceful and elegant. He was doing leaps and many beautiful moves that didn't match the hip hop music Hoseok was playing whatsoever. When Jimin finished, everyone clapped for him and he wouldn't stop smiling.

"Did you like that?" Jimin panted. "My leg extension is improving so much. My teacher says that I'm doing so well for my age."

"That's my best friend!!" Taehyung shouted.

"Hehe, you're my best friend!" Jimin giggled, opening up his true personality to everyone. All he needed to do was dance.

"So Jiminie, you're really good at all those fancy turns and stuff." Hoseok smiled. Jimin bowed at his hyung, his eyes shining brighter. "Have you ever tried b-boying?"

"B-boying? What's that?" Jimin tilted his head.

"You can't be a dancer and not know." Hoseok gasped. He tapped on his phone and handed it over to Jimin. "Give me your number and I'll send you the coolest dance videos you'll ever see in your entire life!"

"Okay!!" Jimin put in his number. Taehyung then came over, whining that he wanted Hoseok's phone number too. That got Hoseok to laugh, feeling flattered.

Yoongi looked at you, commenting on how Hoseok was popular among the thirteen-year old's too. He wasn't wrong. Taehyung and Jimin had both pulled out their phones to take pictures with Hoseok. It was so cute how they were treating him like a celebrity. Especially Jimin. Hoseok admitted that he had a soft spot for the baby chick. If Taehyung is Namjoon's little brother then Jimin will be Hoseok's little brother. That immediately had Jimin jumping up and down. Yoongi shook his head, smiling at the young preteens when the door opened wide. Heads turned to see Namjoon coming in and taking off his shoes. The first thing he noticed was his friends messing around with Taehyung and Jimin.

"Did I miss anything?" Namjoon closed the door behind him, his right brow cocked up.

"Hoseok hyung became Jimin's older brother!" Taehyung ran to Namjoon.

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