Plain Enemies

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Yoongi stared at his hyung with a mixture of emotions. He was both oddly touched and disturbed. There was a hint of disappointment in the mix too. The main reason was because Jinyo came up to the boy, overly thrilled with something he created. Jinyo gave Yoongi a goofy smile, continuing to hold up the pin on his denim jacket. The pin was small, but it had Yoongi's face on it. You thought it was really cute while Yoongi thought it was weird. You made sure to jab your elbow into his ribs so he wouldn't say something rude to Jinyo. You doubt he would, but he was making a face.

Jaegyu and Junsuh were standing beside Jinyo. The male was proudly showing it off and it instantly got compliments from the other two. Jaegyu was impressed and Junsuh commented that Yoongi looked cute in the picture chosen. Jinyo immediately agreed and began explaining how he made it. All while they were speaking, Yoongi's face was burning. He couldn't handle his fanboys all the time. Sometimes they made him feel more embarrassed than anything. But you thought it was sweet how close they all were. Since the five of you were busy talking, none of you really heard the MC speaking into the mic. Everything blended into the background like white noise.

He was announcing the next performer since tonight was open mic. The crowd was already hyped over the last person who went. The lights were still until the person with their white hood over their head came onto the stage. Soon the lights began to flash green, people focusing on the stage this guy had prepared. Jinyo and Jaegyu were laughing while Junsuh recognized the rapper's voice. He turned around and silently walked closer to the stage in awe. Jinyo and Jaegyu paused, noticing their friend leave without saying a word.

"Where's he going?" Jinyo pouted.

"He's off in the clouds now." Jaegyu sighed before returning his focus on the pin again. "But seriously dude, make me one."

"Don't make more!" Yoongi shouted, his pale face now a bright shade of pink. Jaegyu chuckled at the boy's embarrassment. It was hilarious to him while Jinyo only shook his head.

"I don't get what's the problem." Jinyo crossed his arms.

"Me neither. I want one too." You smiled and Yoongi's eyes widened. He couldn't tell if you were joking or not. Either way, he wasn't having it. There would be no more pins on his watch.

"You wanna die?" Yoongi growled. He gave you a glare that made a shiver run down your spine. The glare didn't last long. He was instantly smacked by Jaegyu, the strongest of the fanboys. Yoongi stumbled and held his head in shock. "W-What?"

"Don't threaten your girlfriend. What's wrong with you?" Jaegyu huffed. "Treat her with respect."

"Yes, because you're so respectful to women." Jinyo played with his pin.

"I don't have to be respectful to you, you little sh*t." Jaegyu stared down at the male who was the smallest. Jinyo only stood at 5'6" compared to everyone else and he constantly got sh*t for it.

"You do if you want a pin!" Jinyo narrowed his eyes on the tattoo addict.

"You got me there." Jaegyu held back on further remarks. They both calmed down, leaving the unspoken word of touché in the air. Yoongi chewed on his lip and turned to face you. His eyes avoided making eye contact with you when he quickly mumbled his apology. You rolled your eyes, not because you were upset with him. You didn't care too much for his threat, but it was the fact that he sucked at apologizing. He really struggled when it came to anything remotely emotional.

"Thanks, Yoongi." You sighed.

"She didn't call him 'oppa'." Jinyo gasped to his friend.

"Suga is screwed. He's going to be single very soon," Jaegyu whispered. "Good with music, not with women."

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