Getting Along

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The plan was to get Namjoon and Yoongi to befriend each other. They currently only tolerated one another and barely, at that. Any time one of them said something that remotely irked the other, they were ready to cause a war over it. It was almost as if they were searching for a reason to fight. Could they really not stand each other that much? Still, they tried to act calm around one another. You could see the efforts that they put into it for you. Yoongi would try not to snap at Namjoon and made sure his teasing remained light. Namjoon held back on scolding Yoongi and offers to help him with anything he might need. Though they do try, they need a little bit of help.

That's where Hoseok comes in. The two of you have been texting ideas to each other. Hoseok finally got your number now that you weren't unsure of him anymore. You were a bit tired with going to Midnight Measure recently, but you were pulling through. Hoseok wanted to talk to you about his idea in person. He said he had a lot to say and it would take too long to type out. You were a bit suspicious but agreed. The two of you were going to meet during one of the passing periods. If the plan was easy and good, it would take place at lunch. Hopefully something to help Yoongi and Namjoon realize that they have more in common than they think! Whatever that might be!

The only problem with trying to be alone with Hoseok was finding a way to get rid of Yoongi. He's great and you appreciate him so much! But he sticks to you like glue and you need him gone for this conversation to happen. Namjoon luckily had to deal with class president business. He left without an issue. Then with Yoongi, you had to be creative. He's going to wait for you if you go to the bathroom and he's going to take you to the nurse if you pretend to be sick. How dare he be such a dependable friend? Your little plan had to be quick if you wanted enough to time to discuss things with Hoseok.

"You should get to class. I have to go." You patted Yoongi's shoulder. Hoseok left Mr. Kim's classroom, already heading towards the designated spot.

"Where do you have to go?" Yoongi furrowed his brows.

"I have to talk to the principal—"

"Why?" Yoongi scowled.

"Normally, I would talk to my counselor but she's out on maternity leave..." You shrugged. Yoongi sighed, believing the lies coming out of your mouth. These lies were for a good reason though. Yoongi gave up trying to follow you like you had hoped. The principal was complete Yoongi repellent!

Splitting ways with Yoongi, you ran to meet up with Hoseok. He was waiting for you out in the courtyard with the large grass field. You rarely went outside so it's not like Yoongi or Namjoon would come looking for you out here. The school was also a mansion so you doubt they would see you by chance. Pushing up the doors, your feet pounded against the asphalt. Where was he? You headed closer towards the field to see Hoseok leaning against the stone building. Finally! You slowed down as you made your way to him. Hoseok continued grinning as you panted heavily.

"You made it." He chuckled.

"What's the plan?" You coughed. Running was never really your thing. Just running that short distance already had you bending over with your hands on your knees. Hoseok stared at you in slight worry. Your heart was pounding heavily and your throat was dry, but you were fine!

"Do you need water?" Hoseok raised a brow.

"Hoseok!" You shouted, still out of breath. There wasn't much time before the two of you had to head off to your own classes. He had to stay on topic or else the both of you came out here for nothing. You need to hear some kind of plan. Having Hoseok prevent them from fighting really doesn't help Yoongi or Namjoon in the long run.

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