Face to Face

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Yoongi stared at the tall male in shock. He couldn't believe who was standing right in front of him. The same guy he completely ripped apart for not having a passion. He boxed Namjoon because it felt like the boy's only interest and focus was on school. Now Yoongi didn't know what to think. It would be different if Namjoon had a different hobby. Any other hobby would have been fine. But no. Yoongi found Namjoon at Midnight Measure, ready to enter a rap battle with him. Shock was having trouble exiting Yoongi's system. The uptight class president...as an underground rapper?

Namjoon was just as surprised. He was also horrified that someone he recognized has caught him. This was all meant to be a secret. His blood did begin to boil the longer he stared at Yoongi though. It was the same guy who told him that he did nothing in life. Namjoon's grip on the mic became stronger. He was going to prove to Yoongi that he has a passion too. This was the life he secretly worked hard towards too. Namjoon clicked his tongue the second he heard three men cheering on Yoongi by his stage name. One of them also did cheer Namjoon in return, getting the male to smirk.

"This is unexpected..." Namjoon took in a breath.

"You gotta be f*cking kidding me." Yoongi's brows knitted together. He really wanted to see what Namjoon was capable of. He wanted to have a nice laugh. What in the world could his class president have prepared for him? Or maybe, Yoongi should teach him how it's done.

"I'll show you whose life is meaningless after this." Namjoon's words were still bitter. Yoongi could already see Namjoon's aura changing on stage. It almost made Yoongi sweat, but he wasn't going down that easily.

The MC was getting the crowd hyped up for the following battle. You didn't know what to think as you witnessed the two meet each other like this. Jinyo and Jaegyu were cheering Yoongi on with full support. Then there was Junsuh who was quietly supporting both Namjoon and Yoongi. Was Namjoon the rapper Junsuh had taken a liking to? That meant Namjoon had to be good. He's come here often too. It slowly explained a couple things. His loaded playlists and what you assumed to be lyrics in the green notebook he kept close to him as if his life depended on it. Namjoon let Yoongi go first, but his glare stayed strong on the male.

"Alright, Class Prez...but don't say I didn't warn ya," Yoongi said into the microphone. Soon a beat was dropped for Yoongi to flow with. The three fanboys paused on their cheering, confused with the way Yoongi addressed the other rapper. They looked at you for some context and you remained speechless with your eyes glued on them. "Problematic, systematic! You're nothing but automatic! Shoe licker, crowd pleaser, you're nothing but a dream killer. Robotic, lethargic, you're probably a starving artist!"

Namjoon narrowed his eyes on the male. He growled already with the stance Yoongi was taking. By bringing back the fight they had earlier into the battle, it only made Namjoon glow with fury. He wanted so badly to destroy Yoongi and win the battle. He had to admit it though; he was impressed by the slender male. His freestyle wasn't perfection, but Namjoon could tell Yoongi at least felt on fire at the moment. Yoongi was using up all his left over feelings from the fight to come up with his words on the spot. It was the only time he felt somewhat confident over his freestyle.

"Manic, I'm an addict, I'm a shopaholic, workaholic! I spend hours on my sh*t, all you need to do is sit. I'll make you my little b*tch! Have my honey call you 'unnie'!" Yoongi grinned as the crowd continued hyping him up. Some people turned over to look at you, laughing while you felt embarrassed. Namjoon gritted his teeth and followed their eyes. They connect with yours and his confusion only grew. He looked over at Yoongi again, ready to kill Yoongi once it's his turn. "You're basic b*tch, you're tragic! I see you're looking panicked, huh? I'm funny! I'm money, woo! That's more than you and you know what, Kim Namjoon?" Yoongi stopped flowing to speak to the male normally. "Fools like you should stay in school."

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