Fanboys Backstory

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(A/n: It's my birthday and well, Seokjin's too. So I figured this would be a fun idea to celebrate it with you guys. I wrote this and it ended up being longer than I intended, but I tried to keep it short so it may feel rushed at times and yet the sucker is still long smh. Anyway, dust off your knowledge on what the colors in this story mean! Enjoy the backstory of Seokjin and the fanboys from Passion!)

Jinyo didn't do it intentionally. He sort of just did it. That genuinely explained nothing at all and it was an answer that normally got him threatened. What exactly did he do? Well, he fanboyed. More accurately, he gained crushes and got passionate about them. Almost to the point where he could be described as a stalker. He didn't intrude on the privacy of his crushes nor did he have any ill intentions. All he really did was eagerly and openly show his affection towards them. That instantly got him labelled as desperate amongst other things.

The problem was that Jinyo went to an all boys' school. Whenever he did crush on any of his classmates, they were incredibly uncomfortable. Not only that, but they tended to be into girls only. It was hopeless from the start. Jinyo knew that himself. While he was attracted to girls, there weren't really any his age at his school yet there were a bunch of boys. Was it really so wrong for him to let his heart get fond of a boy or two?

There were so many boys that told him off. They cussed him out, almost attacked him, and then there were guys who politely rejected him. Those were the better of the crushes. Every single one had been a failure until middle school. Jinyo had already been friends with Jaegyu. The infamous flirt who was suffering by the amount of testosterone he was surrounded by. What he would do to even be looked at by a girl! That wasn't happening any time soon so he thought he would suffer with Jinyo.

That changed when a new student came in the middle of 7th grade. His name was Junsuh. He was the perfect description of tall, strong, and handsome. The minute Jinyo laid eyes on him, he felt himself forget how to breathe. There was his new crush. And like most times Jinyo gained a crush, he was eager. To the extent of following Junsuh around campus and trying to catch the male's attention. Anything! Even a glimpse would satisfy Jinyo.

"We should give up. The guy literally doesn't talk to anyone." Jaegyu rolled his eyes. They were watching Junsuh lean against the back of the gym building. He was a loner, constantly listening to music on his ipod. "Come on, man. Let's just play video games in my basement."

"And why would I want to do that when Junsuh is literally right there?" Jinyo scoffed. He kept his eyes on the handsome male.

"Okay, well how about this? I bought a stick and poke behind a Spencer's. It's pretty sketchy but I can finally work on tattoos and I want you to be my first test subject." Jaegyu wiggled his brows.

"You want me to have a tattoo I regret for the rest of my life?" Jinyo shot Jaegyu a glare.

"Alright, f*ck you! I was just tryna' have some fun, but you're so obsessed with d*ck that--"

"That's not true!" Jinyo yelled.

"It is!" Jaegyu shouted just as loud.

The two were immediately bickering with each other. That was a common occurrence between them. Either over food or other silly things. It couldn't be helped. They were always sick of one another yet they couldn't stand being away from each other. Unfortunately their friendship came with a no return policy so they always ended up finding their way back to each other. A little trip to McDonald's and playing at the arcade got them to cool down and call it a truce every time.

Now Jinyo wasn't so sure. Jaegyu crossed a line by saying that. Then Jaegyu was protecting himself and frustrated by the lack of attention he's gotten. All he wanted was his best friend and to test out his stick and poke skills! They were causing so much noise that Junsuh was struggling to listen to his music. The rap was being interrupted by two boys in the middle of puberty. The amount of voice cracks he heard were making it too painful to ignore. He was well aware of his admirer though he chose to pretend Jinyo didn't exist. Except it was becoming too much.

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