A Passion Beyond Labels

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Seokjin woke up early to pick up all the boys. He had a sleepy Jungkook in the backseat as he got Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, and made his way over to Namjoon's house. He expected to get you after the Kim brothers. To everyone's surprise, you were already there with them. Cleaned up and ready to go to the final contest. You just had to wear one of Taehyung's sweaters in hopes of them not noticing the fact that you were wearing the same clothes from yesterday. That didn't stop Hoseok and Yoongi from being suspicious. Seokjin was surprised but didn't say anything about it. There was no time to ask questions. The three of you crammed into the car with the others for what was most likely going to be one of the last times.

The entire ride over wasn't silent like you thought it would be. The boys were all nervous, but full of energy. Jungkook was waking up now as you guys got closer to the venue. All the boys were chanting the lyrics to Fake Love. They were ready to completely destroy the competition. Their clothes were in a box in the trunk. The boys would be wearing leather pants, collared dress shirts, and a few of them had harnesses to wear. Some just simple chokers which were mainly for the little zoo. Taehyung was going to get a choker, but the little boy insisted on getting a full on harness. It was white and wrapped around his body with one strap around his neck. Namjoon wasn't happy about that, but Taehyung was thrilled. The puppy liked showing off his new harness to his friends who felt no real loss on their part.

Taehyung's harness was the most noticeable. The others were smaller and didn't have as much straps. All the boys were mainly wearing black with at least one white item on them. The boys began to quiet down on their chants as Seokjin drove onto the lot. They still bounced, wanting Seokjin to just find a parking spot already. Just as Seokjin was slowly driving his car into a space, Taehyung jumped out. The teacher screamed at the boy. Soon Jungkook and Jimin jumped out too. Seokjin shook his head as he finished parking the car. The rest of you came out as the little zoo were losing it. They couldn't wait to perform already despite still having a couple hours to wait through.

"Sign us in, Hyung!! Go!!" Taehyung bounced in front of his brother.

"I will, Tae. Just go get dressed in the tent with the others." Namjoon patted the boy.

"I have the clothes!" You held up the heavy box as best as you could.

"Here, I'll take care of that." Seokjin grabbed it from you. The heavy weight lifted from your hands and you were grateful. Seokjin whistled at the boys to follow him to the tent already. The vocals went to the tent meanwhile the rappers signed up with the staff. You figured you'll just head to the tent but stay outside until they're all dressed. That'll most likely take a while with some of the harnesses. Some of them needed to be buckled while others you could slip on.

It wasn't long before your friends entered the tent. They smiled at you as they slipped inside. You could hear their voices easily through the thin cloth walls. The boys couldn't get over the outfits you got them. The little zoo was more enthusiastic about the concept. At first they found the accessories questionable until they saw the outfit altogether. Their hyungs still sighed at the sight but were getting over it. Already, you can hear Seokjin sigh. He's probably staring at himself in the mirror they have set up in there. You wanted to laugh until the tent door flipped open.

Out came a puppy who needed help with his harness. He already had the rest of his outfit on. Taehyung smiled at you knowing that you would help him. You're surprised he didn't ask Namjoon or any of his other hyungs for help. The puppy's tail was wagging when you began to buckle it on. It would hang loose otherwise. Did Taehyung really want it to be you to help him? Taehyung and you have gotten very close. Aside from the fact that he called you 'Eomma' that one time, you think he really looks up to you as his Noona. Plus he really wants you to marry his older brother. As you worked on the last buckle, you heard footsteps coming over until they suddenly came to a halt. You lifted your eyes to see the maknae line of D-Crunch staring in shock. Their mouths were wide open as they walked over to you two.

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