Midnight Measure

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Open mic was tonight. That plan was already set with you guys secretly meeting there at midnight. The seventh graders were completely unaware. They finished recording their voices onto the songs and were now messing around in the living room. The only voice left to record was yours, but you've been busy. Everything related to getting the rappers to perform together is much more important. That's all you have been focusing on most recently. Even the boys knew that was your main focus at the moment. The vocals all worked so well together, but the rappers still struggled at times. Tonight was their time to change that.

Currently, all of you were still at Namjoon's house. The clock was now at six which is the time everyone normally goes home. Without trying to catch the attention of the kids, Namjoon walks you guys over to the front door. Yoongi has already sent the track over to Jinyo. It was Jinyo's job to give it the MC so they would have it ready to play. The boys were struggling to contain their energy. Hoseok was full of nerves and kept laughing at weird times. Namjoon was stiffer than he typically is and then Yoongi couldn't stop smiling at nothing.

"You're all going to make the kids suspicious," You whispered. Hoseok fidgeted before he got smacked by Namjoon. Something to make him pull himself together. Though Namjoon reassured him multiple times that he would do good live with them, it still made Hoseok nervous.

"I'm ready. I could do it now even." Yoongi's smiled grew. It was beginning to look more like a smirk.

"And you. You look...creepy." You didn't know how to put it in a nice way. If there even was a nice way to put it. Yoongi stopped smiling to click his tongue at you. He quickly got over it though by shrugging. He could sort of see what you meant by the mirror in Namjoon's house.

"Well, it's best to stop stalling then. I'll meet you guys there tonight." Namjoon clapped his hands together.

"Meet them where?" Taehyung popped up. His deep voice made all of you jump. It was going to take some getting used to. He furrowed his brows, his two friends walking over to see what they were missing. You stared at Namjoon with wide eyes. This is exactly what you didn't want.

"I only said I'll meet them at school tomorrow. That's it." Namjoon petted Taehyung's head. "Can I talk to them privately, Tae?"

"Why?" Taehyung pouted, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's waist. The elder brother sighed, this time a lot more patient with the puppy than he had been in the past. Jimin and Jungkook curiously looked up to their hyungs for answers too. If you're being honest though, it felt like they wouldn't be looking up for long. The boys seemed to be growing taller and any second now, they would pass you. Jimin recently has been talking a lot of smack, saying he's going to have the biggest growth spurt out of his friends. Only time will tell. "Is it something secretive?" The puppy wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not really. Just high school stuff." Namjoon shrugged.

Jimin eventually tapped Taehyung to leave you guys alone already. It's not like their curiosity had vanished though. Taehyung continued to pout as Jungkook helped drag the puppy back into the living room. Namjoon sighed in relief as if you guys were in the clear already. You kept your eyes on the entrance of the living room. They could be listening in for all you know. Once those kids get curious, it's hard to make them forget. Hoseok rubbed his sweaty hands as Namjoon faced all of you again with a smile. Yoongi had his arms crossed, ready to just go back home. He only wanted to get enough sleep for the night ahead of him and you'd like to do the same.

"So I'll—"

"Talk about school." You hissed through your teeth. Namjoon straightened his posture in shock. With big eyes, he looked over his shoulder. The boys weren't poking their heads in. Obviously. But that doesn't mean they weren't listening.

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