Judging Peers

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Yoongi's P.O.V.


This better be important. I already don't like getting calls from Myunghan to begin with. He called me in the middle of dance rehearsal, demanding that I come home right away. I'm still pissed off at the fact that I had to leave. We need to work hard on our performance if we want to pass the second round. One thing I know about our group is that our songs are amazing thanks to yours truly and that our performance is unlike any other. Hoseok makes sure we're clean and it's sometimes hard to believe that I'm in a group that's capable of doing what we do. How are we not an actual group at this point? Seriously, we're good for a reason and that's because of how many hours of work we put in.

Now I was being called away to deal with something he refused to explain. All Myunghan told me was to get home already. Mom and him needed to talk to me about something. It almost made me nervous since I've been good so far. I don't really remember doing anything wrong. When I tried asking for some kind of answers, Mom took the phone from Myunghan. She told me right away to save my questions and to get home. I'm not one to fight with Mom so I said goodbye to the group unfortunately. I really wanted to stay with them. They feel more like home than my current one. It's not like Mom or Myunghan are awful though. After the conversation I had with Myunghan, he understands where he stands with me. Mom doesn't push it anymore, but I can tell she's disappointed that she couldn't give me something she would beat herself up over all that time. And that was a father.

It's okay. I don't need one, but I feel bad. I don't like making Mom sad and that's why I'm riding my bike as quick as I can back home. Mom didn't really like me driving the bike. It was my ride and she understood that. Though sometimes her motherly instincts came out, calling me her baby and telling me not to get hurt. I'm fine. With a heavy sigh, I slowly begin to pull on the clutch and front break as I roll into my front yard. The shack had its doors closed, but it wasn't locked. I put the bike in neutral before pushing it into the shack. There we go. That way it doesn't suffer from the weather. Kicking down the kick stand, I walked out of the shack and locked it up.

I twirled the small key around my finger. As soon as I entered through the front door, I saw them standing with a tablet in their hands. Did they seriously call me home to figure out technology? A sigh left my lips as I walked over to them. Mom and Myunghan instantly looked at me with stern eyes. They rushed over to me, showing me the screen. It was on a news site and that's when I saw it. They were showing me the clip of where you can clearly see me, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Sh*t. They noticed how I froze at the sight of it. It's not like I can dig my way out of this. It's clear that I'm the one in the five second clip with my friends. Mom and Myunghan lowered down the tablet, keeping their eyes on me.

"I was checking the news when I saw a familiar face. Care to explain?" Mom asked.

"...Eomma, what do you want to know?" I asked. Her lips became thin as she let out a sigh.

"I want the truth, Min Yoongi. What else?" She tilted her head, exasperated. "Clearly this stuff takes time. Have you truly been studying with your friends at all? Or have you been lying to me this entire time, messing around and signing up for a competition on live television behind my back!? That's so important and you don't even care to mention it to me?"

"I didn't for a reason!" I stated, knowing where this was going. Mom was hurt and fairly so, but I couldn't get grounded. Myunghan was staring at me with a frown. That easily irked me on why he was here.

"You told me that you were studying," Myunghan said. The world just loves me, doesn't it? I pushed my red bangs out of my face in an attempt to think and calm myself down. Don't lose your temper, Yoongi.

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