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The alarm clock went off for a few second. It sat on the nightstand right next to you. Out of habit, you turned it off before it could beep anymore. Once something woke you up in the morning, you were up. There was no going back to sleep. It was a curse. But it's good for school, you suppose. You stared up at the ceiling with low energy. What if you laid in bed and did nothing for five minutes? It's not like you're going to fall back asleep again. There's no point in putting your alarm clock on snooze. Groaning, you force yourself to sit up and stretch your arms. At least that felt nice.

When you let your arms drop down, you felt something else in your bed with you. Specifically, someone else. Blinking to yourself, you slowly looked to your right to see Hoseok lightly snoring. You almost forgot he slept over. Now that you've had Yoongi sleepover, having Hoseok do the same wasn't a big deal. You guys were just friends anyway. You'rejust glad that they don't mind the giant pile of stuffed animals you have onyour bed. The only reason you were having a problem right now was because of how strange Hoseok was acting in his sleep. Was...was he petting himself? The male was stroking his chest gently and even did the same with his arms. Is he awake? You narrowed your eyes on him, absolutely addled by the sight.

"The f*ck?"

Hoseok was completely embarrassed when you woke him up. First, you nudged him so he would stop petting himself. It wasn't long before he opened his eyes. He smiled and that's when you asked him if he knew what he was doing. The boy turned bright pink when you explained what he did. Hoseok didn't want to talk about it. All he wanted to do was eat breakfast and go to school. You stifled your giggles at how he was reacting. You went along with what he wanted to do anyway. The two of you had an hour to get ready which was a good amount of time. Hoseok had slept in his school uniform while you had to change into it in your bathroom.

He was already in the kitchen, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. You told him that he could help himself to anything he wanted. Hoseok even took the liberty of making you cereal too. For once, getting ready for school was actually fun. The two of you ate and talked about the contest. It felt so nice not being alone in your house. You missed your parents but having Hoseok over filled the hole slightly. He's someone familiar from your past. It's hard to ignore that. You really regret not getting to know him in the past. When the two of you finished eating, you brought over his backpack and helped him put it on. After that, you handed him his crutches and he sighed heavily. He still wasn't a fan of his situation, but there wasn't much he could do about it now.

The only thing Hoseok was looking forward to was walking without pain in his ankle. Then he would no longer need these extra limbs to help him walk. You kept at his pace during the walk over to the bus stop. He would normally walk to school from where he lives. Walking to school now seemed like a hard task. The two of you got on the bus and were greeted by the elderly woman who always took the bus. She eyed you a lot more this morning. Hoseok was uncomfortable, but you told him to just let his uniform do the talking. He's a Sehwang student.

Hoseok pretended to act snobby once you said that and you playfully smacked his shoulders. The both of you kept giggling until the bus dropped you guys off near the school. The only thing that sucked about getting to school was that Sehwang Academy sat on top of a hill. Hoseok winced, unsure of how he was going to be able to get all the way up without falling over. The castle of a school was on top of a freaking mountain. He looked around, sighing to himself. Getting on campus is going to be harder than ever before. Just as Hoseok took a step forward, a car slowed down right next to the both of you. Hoseok and you froze at the suspicious car until the window rolled down.

"Hoseok, what happened!? I thought you were fine!" Seokjin frowned.

"Uh...just a sprain." Hoseok chuckled.

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