My Hero

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With the competition in everyone's mind, the boys have been working hard. Namjoon has already started working on new lyrics and pulling out old ones that he thought would work. Yoongi on the other hand was already preparing a demo version to one of Namjoon songs. He sent that version to Hoseok so he could get an idea of what the choreography should look like. Then there was you trying to get them prepared to work together. Hoseok has never performed with Yoongi and Namjoon. The rappers have only battled each other, but that's as close as they've gotten to performing on stage together. Either way, you wanted to make sure the chemistry was there.

The boys still considered you a part of their group. You weren't quite sure you wanted to be an idol, but you knew you wanted to help. So far you've taken pictures of all the boys and have been trying to figure out outfits that would work best for them. Namjoon showed you his lyrics and Yoongi had the demo played for you. It gave you the vibe they were going for. Then you had to consult with Hoseok in case he wanted flexible outfits. How intense is the dance? Will it get too hot? What were the boys comfortable wearing? A lot more factors went into their clothes than they expected. You were just glad you could help them out.

But it wasn't just the clothes that you were helping them with. You really wanted them to perform together first. Just one performance with only the rappers at Midnight Measure. So far you've texted Jinyo to help you get in contact with the MC. You wanted to see if it was possible to have a test run performance in front of a crowd. Yoongi and Namjoon were teaching Hoseok how to rap every single day. It made you proud to see them already working like a team. Hoseok took all their tips, listening carefully and made sure to apply it. He was working extremely hard and the boys gave him that in return when he taught them little combos.

Yoongi wasn't a fan of the exercise, but he was better than Namjoon. Sometimes the combos would confuse the poor president. It was mainly whenever Hoseok gave them intense footwork. Namjoon did his best to get it memorized. He did it slowly a hundred times before doing it at full speed. Since they were learning combos along with the preteens, you had to learn some of them too. You were okay at dancing, but you felt awkward doing the moves. Anytime you looked at yourself dancing in a mirror, you just didn't see the power the other boys had. It was a little unfair. At the same time, you were perfectly fine with not standing out. As long as they shined bright on stage.

Currently, the four of you were in Mr. Kim's class. He was busy correcting papers at the front of the room. He handed out worksheets earlier that could be done in groups. A part of you felt like Mr. Kim was making group projects happen more because your friend group had grown. It felt like he was trying to make Yoongi socialize more and have Namjoon get to help all his friends. Maybe it was all in your head though. Getting back on track, you were looking up outfits the boys could be wearing instead of doing class work. Yoongi was listening to his demo music on his phone and was writing down notes. Things to change, keep, or even adding lyrics. Hoseok was trying to quietly come up with new combos to teach while Namjoon did the worksheets for everyone. He got the raw end of the stick, but it's not his fault he's a genius.

"Can't Hoseok do the rest of the worksheets? I want to write lyrics." Namjoon frowned.

"Do you want us to fail?" Yoongi looked at him with a serious expression.

"Rude. You're not lying, but rude," Hoseok muttered.

"This is cheating." Namjoon shrugged.

"Thanks for the reminder. I have one for you too. Do you know who my Eomma is married to?" Yoongi raised brow. Namjoon and Hoseok slowly nodded as if Yoongi was ensuring their safety. Principal Yoo wouldn't touch them as long as they were friends with his wife's son.

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