Dance Practice

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"It's one, two, three, AND four. Remember the 'and'!" Hoseok shouted. He was mainly shouting at Namjoon and Yoongi who were dancing behind him. The two boys were panting and questioning if they were being verbally abused.

Hoseok was going through the dance counts he planned for the song the two rappers were working on. It was a little more choreograph heavy than the two rappers anticipated. They were sweating in their school uniforms profusely. Namjoon was begging for a break but was already grabbing his water bottle and sitting down. All of you were outside near the field. Since you guys didn't have a proper dance space, you guys improvised with using the open space out here. There were also large windows that acted as mirrors so Hoseok could see every little mistake his friends made. It's a good thing you weren't a rapper or else you would have to learn this.

Currently, you were sitting on the sidelines as they ran through it again. The boys and you had eaten lunch quickly. There was no time for slacking. They had to get themselves used to working together before they audition for the contest. The preteens could already dance really well and their teamwork was smooth. It left Hoseok impressed but working with his rap team was a little rougher than he wished. Namjoon took a long time to memorize the choreography. Hoseok also kept yelling the word 'stiff' at him. Yoongi was a different story for the dancer. It's not like Yoongi was a bad dancer. He was surprisingly good at it. He was only a bit lazy and hardly ever went full out.

"Stop marking the dance, Yoongi." Hoseok narrowed his eyes on the delinquent through the window. Yoongi sighed heavily, removing his uniform blazer.

"I'm not...doing whatever you just said." Yoongi rolled his shoulders before cracking his neck.

"Okay. I think I got it!" Namjoon set down his water excitedly. He stared at his reflection through the window before mumbling the counts under his breath. One, two, three, four. "L-Like that?"

" you really know how to count?" Hoseok's hands began to tremble as he raised them near Namjoon's neck. The president only furrowed his brows, not understanding his friend's question. Yoongi pulled Hoseok away before things completely went out of hand.

You only shook your head at the circus show. While they practiced, you've been in touch with the owners of Midnight Measure and the MC. You've been telling them about letting a new rookie group perform. Normally, the boys could have performed during an open mic night and that would have been fine. The only difference you wanted was for people to know they were going to perform. You wanted some sort of hype around them rolling around. RM, Suga, and J-Hope. Hoseok decided he was going to use his dance nickname as his rapper one too. He felt it showed where he came from. He also wanted to bring a hopeful side to the rappers.

At the moment, Namjoon and Yoongi looked like they were suffering because of Hoseok. It was going to be alright. Even with Namjoon and Yoongi struggling, they got the moves down perfectly in the end. You finished typing out an email to Midnight Measure. It was going to be like a mini concert. A test run for the boys to see if they were ready to audition for the contest. The email was long, saying you would like them to do some slight advertisement. You would create a poster and the boys would provide their music. All you needed from Midnight Measure was their stage and for the boys to practice a bit on it before they perform.

Midnight Measure was slightly interested in the offer. You'd be lying if you said you weren't surprised. Turns out the MC is a fan of Yoongi and Namjoon. He's taken a liking to their material. He's impressed with their age too. It's a good thing he's a co-owner. Another thing that worked out in your favor was your connection to Yoongi's fanboys. It seemed like everything ran on connections. The fanboys were well respected and promised to do the promoting at Midnight Measure. Most of the work would be getting done for them in the end. They were going to have a hard time saying no to this. Hopefully things go as planned.

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