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It's been two weeks since your first session with Namjoon. Things were going great. You were finally getting a good grip on the concepts and beginning to understand the new ones on your own. That didn't mean you were confident enough to do things on your own though. You relied on Namjoon to help you process everything and he didn't mind. He considered it as studying for himself as well. It really worked out for the both of you. Throughout the process, you've gotten friendly with Namjoon. You're not quite sure if he considers you a friend, but you believe you're on the edge of it.

The only one against the tutoring has been Yoongi. He's been getting a little upset with how much time you've been spending with Namjoon. It's not your fault! You try to make it equal since you know you're Yoongi's only friend. The only one at school who he's bothered to reveal his secret to. You didn't want him to believe he made a mistake by telling you. That's why you've been trying so hard to work with both boys. Some days it will feel like the school day drags on longer and other days feel like you're having rap battles in your dreams. Living two extremely different sides of life was draining.

Yoongi knew that you were trying your best though. He could see it in the way you would pinch yourself awake. Though you were falling asleep, you made sure to watch Yoongi's performance. There would either be a battle or an open mic. Yoongi's performance was the only one you truly cared for. Jinyo kept an eye on you when you fell asleep. He made sure you were safe so that was very kind of him. The other two, Jaegyu and Junsuh also do the same. They've made it their job. They wake you up a couple minutes before Yoongi performs in case you almost miss it. They're all sweet and still believe you're Yoongi's girlfriend.

"You up, (F/n)?" Junsuh nudged your shoulder. The sounds of some guy spitting into the mic were muffled. As you slowly came to, things became clearer. His words got louder and the lights got brighter. Jaegyu helped you get into a sitting position since you had fallen asleep on a couch. Yoongi had left a couple minutes earlier to prepare backstage. He would be performing an original that he's been working on all month. He said it's been the hardest one to write so you have to see this.

"Thank you, Junsuh-ssi." You wiped your eyes. Normally, you would address all three of the men as 'oppa' but that seemed off the table now that they believed you were Yoongi's girl. They didn't want to cause any misunderstanding. They were all older guys, but Yoongi was your 'boyfriend'.

"Yoongi is coming up next." Jinyo stepped closer, excitedly clapping his hands together. He was a major fan of Yoongi. Yoongi told you that Jinyo is the main reason he repeatedly came back to this place at first. Jinyo was able to make him comfortable here. He rubbed his hands before motioning for you to get up from the couch.

"Your man is going to kill it." Jaegyu grinned. The three men let you stand in front of them as you guys walked up to the stage. There were already people there waiting for the next act to come out.

"Oppa talked a lot about how long this song took him to write," You said. Junsuh and Jaegyu grew more excited to hear that meanwhile Jinyo nodded his head. He leaned down to whisper into your ear.

"That means it must be good. Some songs just require time and experience." Jinyo straightened up his posture as the MC came out to quickly announce Yoongi's entrance.

The name Suga rang into your ears. As soon as Yoongi came out, you were already cheering. So were his three biggest supporters. Suga had made a name for himself in the underground rap scene. He wasn't a big name, but he was getting out there. You were incredibly proud of him for how much hard work he puts into every song and performance. That's why you made sure to return to the same energy back to him. You were wide awake, your eyes never leaving him as he moved around the stage. Yoongi's stage presence was something you could never get over. It amazed you how lost he would get in his lyrics. His emotion hitting every word that left his lips.

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