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PUBLISHED: July 6th, 2019
EDITED: October 7th, 2021

Audrey's POV.

The warm streaks of glorious sunlight break through the small gap in the curtains. Its singular ray fans across my face and wakes me up with ease.

I throw my head back in a tired yawn, knowing that I won't be able to fall back asleep again now that I've awoken.

A morning run now lingers on my mind. So with a lot of effort and a deep groan I crawl out from beneath the covers. I go scouring through my draws and locate some silver 2XUs and a Nike singlet, grabbing a hoodie from the wardrobe too. I scoop my brown hair up in a high and tight ponytail.

I make my way down the stairs quietly as not to wake anyone up. Albeit, to my surprise, my brother, Jack Silvagni and his housemate Caleb Marchbank, are already situated downstairs eating some Weetbix. It then hits me that they're training today, so no wonder they're up early. How could I forget?

"HI!" I scream with the intent of frightening them both. It works when the two of them flinch and the bowls of Weetbix almost clatter to the floor in what would've been quite the mess.

I chuckle at their sour expressions.

"Well thanks, sis, I nearly lost my Weetbix because of you. That would be considered a crime in this household."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, a Weetbix bowl which took you all but three minutes to make." My brother retaliates by rolling his eyes back at me. He's such a child.

"I think I'm going to retract saying that you're my fav girl, Auds," Caleb speaks up, sarcasm laced in his voice. I note that he's now placed the breakfast bowl on the counter. Ha! He's paranoid I'll scare him again.

"Like you'd ever do that." I smirk with confidence, walking over and ruffling both their hair. Their scowls deepen.

"What are you doing up early anyway? Don't remember you being a morning person," Jack laughs, reminiscing on past events.

"I was going to go for a ru—"

"Nope, not happening. You're coming with us to the club," he cuts me off. Rude much?

The club? But why?

As if he can see the wheels turning in my head he answers my question. "Well, seeing that you're living with us now we thought it'd be best that you check out the club. We spend a lot of our time there and it would be nice if you came with us sometimes. It also means you wouldn't always be alone. And..." he halts in a short moment of hesitation, "Mum would want you to."

The mere mention of Mum strikes me deep. It encourages my eyes to water and the past pain to rise up from the depths of trauma.

A couple years back she died in a car crash and it was at the fault of a careless drunk driver.

I couldn't take the reminders. I couldn't take it. I saw her face everywhere. No matter where I went I always associated parts of it with her. Melbourne was trapping me in my grief. I had to get out.

I found myself moving away to Sydney to mourn and separate myself from Melbourne as it was just too much at the time. I needed to find myself again because the very moment I lost her I became stranded at sea, feeling as though there was no anchor to keep me from drifting.

Mum truly loved Carlton and it always stuck with Jack that she never got to see him drafted. She died over a year too early to see him join the club she adored.

It came a time where I knew and wanted and needed to return home. Jack became my priority and I felt the responsibility to support him as much as I could. I knew it was hard for him and I've felt guilty for leaving his side since. I don't think that guilt will ever fade.

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