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I pack my training bag and walk outside to my car, continuously thinking about the pain I caused her.

(Audrey's POV)

The car ride home was quiet and awkward. No one spoke, but I knew that Jack and Caleb were watching me carefully, I could feel their eyes piercing the back of my head as I stared out the window. They were worried, it was all too obvious.

As soon as I got home I bolted up the stairs and slammed my door shut, locking it. I grabbed my pillow and broke into a fit of tears. My emotions were on a high, and I just couldn't control them any longer. It was just too much to hold back.

Now I lay on my bed, holding my pillow as if it's a lifeline. Why am I so emotional about a guy? But the thing is he isn't just some guy, he's Patrick Cripps. There's something that separates him from everyone else, apart from the fact that he's an AFL Footballer.

He isn't like Jack or Caleb, who are practically brothers to me, although one is actually related and of the same bloodline. Patrick is someone different, someone of a different significance to me. Maybe that's why it hurts so much. Why it hurt to see a fire of anger burning in his eyes after he tore away from me.

I exhale shakily, flinching when someone knocks on the door. I stay there on my bed, glued to the spot.

"Audrey, it's me. I just wanted to know if you're okay?" My brother asks softly through the door. I can tell he is begging me to open it, he just wants to check on how I'm feeling.

With a lot of effort I get up and approach the door. As soon as I reach the door I unlock it and pull it open. It reveals a wide eyed, worried Jack standing there. He looks me up and down, taking in my messy hair, red puffy eyes and the exhausted expression on my face.

"Audrey, what's wrong?" His concern for my wellbeing is clear as day. He's always been caring, and right now is when I truly treasure it most. I embrace him desperately, in need of support for what's been a shit day. He immediately reacts by placing his arms around my back. I hear him whisper 'it's okay, I'm here' over and over against my brown hair.

As soon as we release he leads me over to my bed and sits me down. Jack takes a seat. My brother looks into my eyes, trying to piece together what could have possibly made me such a wreck. The new face he's making proves he hasn't figured it out.

"What happened today Audrey?" He questions.

Should I tell him? What would he do if I told him about Patrick? Wait no, I already know the answer. He'd kill him. I decide to lie, in some attempt to protect Patrick for a reason I'm yet to figure out.

"I guess everything's caught up to me. I've been so happy that I haven't generated a single thought about mum. Thinking that I haven't done that makes me feel like I'm forgetting about her, and I don't want that." I know that is true, but it isn't the real reason.

I didn't even notice Caleb leaning against my doorframe. He was obviously listening to the whole thing. But there is something in his eyes that show he can see right through my reasons. My partial lies. It's like he knows something that I don't.

"Don't think that sis, we both know that isn't happening. She'd be relieved that you're happy, it's exactly what all of us want."

I smile at him,"thanks Princess."

"No worries idiot. You reckon you'll be fine now?"

"I think so." I peer up at Caleb who is watching me suspiciously, but he visibly shrugs and sends me a goofy grin before heading downstairs. My brother kisses my forehead before exiting the room. I sigh, falling back onto my pillows. My mind wanders. I try and avoid Patrick in my head, but it seems impossible.

Suddenly my phone vibrates beside me. My heart falters, thinking of the possibility that it's Patrick. Am I ready to face him? Of course I'm not. I'm mentally, physically and emotionally unprepared to even look at his name, let alone speak to him.

I contemplate in my head what to do. If it is him do I ignore it? Do I message back? Do I forgive him? I groan, frustrated.

But what if it isn't him?

My heart slows down at the thought. It could be someone else. Anyone else.

So with the bit of courage I've coughed up, I pick up my phone and turn it on. I don't realise I'm holding in a breathe until I let it go.

Leah Blake
1 new message received.

Relief floods through my body as I melt into my bed. But then reality smacks me in the face.

Leah Blake was one of my best friends, but that was before I left to go to Sydney. We drifted apart when I moved away because we lost contact over time. Her and I used to do everything together. We went to parties, watched my brother play footy for the Oakleigh Chargers before he was drafted, went shopping, spoke about gossip and when it came to my mum's funeral she didn't back down. She was the first to say she was coming, promising me that she'd stay by my side through it all. Through absolutely everything.

I knew she always kept up the promise, but I made it difficult. While I was in Sydney she'd always text me, asking how I was feeling and what I've been up to. But I shut her out, I didn't message her back. That's when it all slipped away between us.

And now I'm sitting on my bed, yet to open my phone to see what my former best friend has sent me. I feel guilty for ignoring her for all those years. It just proves how selfish I can be when I'm broken.

I sigh, swallowing my guilt and unlocking my phone. I hesitate before tapping on Leah's message.

Hey Audrey, it's been awhile.
So I heard you're back in Melbs and was wondering if you'd like to have a coffee or something. I understand if you don't want to after everything that's happened. But know that I'm not holding it against you.
Miss you Auds. Hope to see you soon.
~ Leah xo

I stare at the message, unsure how to respond. I read it over and over, considering what to do. Seeing her again wouldn't hurt. A bit of girl talk would be real helpful after being surrounded by only guys these past couple weeks. It will also allow me to forget about Patrick for a little while. I make the decision to text her back.

Hey Leah. Yeah, it's definitely been a good long while since we last spoke, or have seen each other.
I think it's a good idea that we have a coffee. I need to have a bit of girl talk. Haven't been able to because I've been surrounded by guys, and ONLY guys. It's about time I get away from my idiotic brother and his annoying housemate.
How about we head to Frank's Cafe? Get out to the suburbs and talk gossip?
Missed you too.
~ Audrey xx

I wait for her response. I can't deny that I have a bubbling sensation of happiness building in my stomach. It's been so long that I'm just so excited, yet nervous, to see her. My phone vibrates, signalling she's responded. I open it.

That sounds great! How does tomorrow at 12 sound? Can't wait!
~ Leah x

Let's do it!
See you then Leah.
~ Audrey xoxo

See you!
~ Leah xo

I smile, thinking back to old times how we'd always have the best day when we spent it together.

My eyes begin to shut, the exhaustion from today's events catching up to me. I seek refuge underneath my covers, not processing one thought about Patrick before slipping into darkness.
Audrey feeling the effects of Patrick's wrath. It's honestly really emotional to be real with you all :(

Leah is finally here! About to time she's added in!

Thoughts on Patrick and Audrey at the moment?

Hope you enjoyed!
Cheers all!

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