twenty six

855 17 20

Just before he lets go of my hand he says one more thing. I want to question him about it but I'm already fading into darkness.

"I have something to ask you, but it can wait."

I wake up, yawning tiredly. I rub my eyes, trying to remember last night's events.

It reoccurs to me that Caleb was talking about this Teagan character, I kicked my brother, Caleb took a photo of me splayed across the floor and Patrick said something before I fell asleep.

What did Patrick say again?

That he was going to ask me something but it can wait? What did that mean? What did he need to ask?

I'm shocked out of my world filled with questions and thoughts when a loud sound of metal echoes through the house from downstairs. I tilt my head towards the noise confused yet curious.

I struggle out of bed towards my door, peering at my mirror and making my hair look plausible before walking downstairs.

Angry cursing reaches my ears. It isn't just one voice but two that bicker at each other while vocalising a string of swear words. I turn the corner to see a huge mess.

What looks to be batter is splattered on the floor, along the cupboards and the legs of Jack and Caleb. They scrub viciously at the floor with paper towel. They both grumble under their breaths too. I double over, laughing.

They glance up in unison, scowls painted on their faces. I continue to laugh at their expressions, clutching my stomach as it burns.

"What were you guys doing?" I choke out, barely about to muster the words from the pain of laughing.

"Good morning to you too. We were trying to make pancakes for you, but this moron dropped the bowl." Jack bumps Caleb into the cupboard, resulting in batter to smear onto his shirt.

"Hey! Be careful of my neck you idiot!" Caleb shoots Jack a look of bitterness and disgust. I cover my mouth trying to avoid laughing again.

Suddenly Caleb reaches for the bowl that was dropped. He scoops a handful of batter and throws it directly into Jack's face. My brother is taken aback and falls on his butt, desperately trying to rid of the mess on his face.

I collapse on the floor, my body shuddering as I howl laugher. My hands are placed on the floor for balance. What my biggest mistake though is peering up.

Batter smacks my face, digging into my eyes and dripping down my cheeks. I quickly wipe it out of my eyes, a slight stinging sensation engulfing them. I glare at my brother who chuckles and points at me.

Both Caleb and Jack are in hysterics. I groan angrily to myself before launching my body at my brother, tackling him to the floor. He's surprised as his back collides against the wood.

"You're going to regret that Princess." I growl at him.

"Am I now?" He sarcastically asks.

Before I'm prepared I get pulled off him and restrained by Caleb. He holds me with sticky, batter-covered hands. I attempt to pull away but to no avail. Jack positions himself in front of me, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Can't do anything now, can you Auds?" He stirs. I snort at him, tugging again but it fails. I know how to get these guys to let me go, it always works.

I look down at the floor, squeezing my eyes shut and allowing my body to shake as if I'm crying. I release little, yet fake sobs. Tears slowly roll down my cheeks.

"Audrey?" Jack worriedly questions. I keep my head down.

"Auds?" Caleb concerned voice says. He lets go of my wrists, setting me free. I continue the act, not revealing my plan quite yet.

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